Old vid of me vs Honda..

adam is gonna lose to a ricer from a dig, oh man

Unless he opts for Brooks on pump gas but i think it should be both cars all out race gas + slicks FTW!!!

i dont think adam rolls any other way. slicks and race fuel.

Adam will run who ever. Its all in good fun. And matt I was talking about if you have the da out this year you need better tires

I dont run race gas, nor have a “race gas tune”. I would def do a pump to pump, both on slicks from a dig. Should be a good race. Him on race, would prolly fly by me pretty hard by the 1/8th, but im still down! Somethin to do. At least if I lose its to one of the quickest imports in the area, and Brooks is a cool dude, so I really dont mind lol

I’m sure he would do it either way but I just think you should just both run with everything you have.

Doesn’t your car runs 10’s?? Him on pump puts him at the low 11 high 10 range while him on race puts him at low 10 high 9 range…

Yeah, he has about 400whp on me, but fuck it…its worth a shot!

you’re makin 250whp or less??

oh and if he beats you you must take out the resident Honda slayer from your sig.


And ill take out Honda slayer if you can beat me:D

If I can or if brooks can???

What does your car run in the 1/4 and how big a shot of nitrous do you have on that thing??

His car goes 11.39

Oh really I thought it was a 10 second car for some reason. I don’t think he would mind running you on low boost then from a dig.

Let’s put some $$$ on this!!!

Sounds good to me!! :smiley:

I got $100 on the mustang

ehh, $20 on the mustang on the street .

unless brooks has good axles and slicks on the streets. My money is on the mustang from a dig.

I got $25 on Adam.

I agree somewhat, however the reason I like rolls is because it shows which car is faster, its harder to fuck up a 3 to 4 shift than it is to run from a dig, where its more likely someone will get bad a lunch and/or miss a gear. Not to mention its easier to get away from certain crownvics if need be.

Adam, whats your car weigh? and are you really only at 277whp?

If so and I lighten my car up a bit and throw on slicks I wonder how close wed be with you just on motor…

I dunno if you dont wanna talk about it in public just PM me