oleg w.t.f

what the fuck kinda stunt was that today leavin the shop? i didnt need a extra mirror on the pillar leavin the shop but thanks anyway ,hopefully the honda gets a new one man :thumbup

… go on

True story.

i inspected his car today ,as he left he ripped the mirror on his passenger side off the car lololololololololl by hittin a big wall that i told him to watch

well he didnt lolololol

True story.
It caught by a fraction of an inch, I thought there was enough space, guess I was wrong. I got the housing back together, just needs a new mirror.

haha i see

that’s alright, I almost drove across their rear/side lawn with the WRX when I was there last getting the bish inspected. Got a little happy on the gas when pulling out the back door. :tongue

there’s a back door??? :rofl

:rofl!!! I won’t lie when I was backing my car out I was like, damn it would suck to clip my mirror here.

behave fizzle :lol

john only lets certain people in, your not invited to the backdoor party you had enough fun in the cage last weekend.

he didnt even do a burnout for us when he left lololololol , yes benny there is a backdoor we now have the entire shop no more detail bay and such