OMFG, im gonna kick my tax guy in the teeth

i was blatently told it wasnt required and that it was more of a courtesy, therefore i denied. i beleive his words the first time it was brought up were “what im going to do to make your taxes easy for you next year …”

but that doesnt matter because i was unemployed before that first quarter started, there was no money to pay taxes on, therefor i didnt send in any payment

hell, HE KNEW that i was unemployed before day one of that quarter … i was unemployed well before day one … and he also knew that my next job would NOT be one where i was an independant and therefore wouldnt have a need for that service

and every time ive ever filed tax’s ive gotten money back on federal, and onle once have i had to pay the state ($35 or such, and that was like 2002 i think)