OMG Is It Time To Go Home Yet

i wish i could work OT all i can do is 35

i hate pizza that uses like, spaghetti sauce, ew

we just got white pizza thought that would make me happer it was good till i put it in my mouth then it was over :gotme:… i think its even worse that i have the keyboard on my lap and my feet up on the desk and the hood on my hoddie up… and everyone just keeps walking by me like nothing…its the norm to see mike like this they say

I’ve got 'til 5pm.

It’s rough looking outside and visualizing how nice it’d be to be skiing right now.

I’m off 10 straight days though after tomorrow mornings shift.

At work til 5:00.

Got money together from co-workers, ordered 2 sheet pizzas. So I did that from 9am-noon. Picked up the pizza, came back, and bs’ed with co-workers. Now I’m sitting at my desk surfing the net.
Actually hit the end of the internet 2x, think I’ll read a book :slight_smile:

The nice thing is that I don’t have to be back at work until January 2nd :slight_smile: Nice 11 day break to relax, eat, drink, and work on my Camaro

your going to miss “new biz” but is it bad to take off and work where you do?

today is dragggggggggggging!!! F$*@cking lunch boxes!!

for the MEN: whats the coolest way to bring in your own lunch? classic brown paper bag?

I have a sweet ass cooler type lunch bag when I bring lunch

and a PBnJ in the bag with the fold top FTMFW

I really don’t know how you can not have something to do… I have worked queued up for days… and there is no end in sight. Every minute of work I can do something work related.

None of you really have anything to do?

Thundercats lunch box

My lunchables are fresh

Eh, it can hurt, but my department isn’t as bad.


word thats COOL

has anyone ever done big brother big sister? i want give to the COMMUNITY

2.30 out at 4 yippy

lunch = metal lunch box

I never have anything to do :gotme: all I do is if you have a workers comp case and go to the doc. you doc sends me a claim and then take that claim and see if its related to you comp injury if it is not I stamp a “pay” on it if not I stamp “no pay” really the most work I do is about 2 hours a day …I also do the same if you have other ins other then mine …really in a penut

what a shitty day at localnet ville. phones have static, computers are lagging, and finally the phones just cut out. and its only 2:32 and im here till 6. this day is going way to damn slow. oh wait…phones are back. even slower day now. yea!!! for localshitnet

yuck… lunchables are friggin nasty!

You carry in a tupperwear full of meat. Make sure it’s clear so nobody thinks you brought vegetables.

make sure blood is dripping out of it too lol