OMG *OFFICIAL* iPhone Thread

Damn it I was supposed to be at WWDC

Wow we are dorks… LOLZ


Now im gonna have people calling me about this all day askign when we will have it here.

damnnnn iittt!!!1

Well there goes everyones enterprise security argument… LOL

Sounds like they targeted the Blackberry head on. :tup:

band sounds sweet

Push IM Service… Holla

Oh man who’s nursing a semi? This guy

That was the only reason I liked the BB… I’m 100% sold now on the iphone… I just want to hear the date and prices now…

I’ve got a feeling that the 32 is going to be $600.

new features in the iPhone 2.0 software. First, contact search with live searching. Second, full iWork document support. Third, complete support for Office documents (Word, Excel, and now PowerPoint). Fourth, bulk delete & move for messages. Fifth, the ability to save images you get. Sixth, a new calculator with scientific mode when you rotate the iPhone. Seventh, parental controls. Eight, tremendous language support

“56% of people that want an iPhone but didn’t get one say it was due to price.”

Shit. I’m gonna wait on purchasing a new phone soon…


Apple has learned so much with the first iPhone. They have taken everything they’ve learned and more and created the iPhone 3G. Even thinner, black plastic back, solid metal buttons, same gorgeous display, camera, flush headphone jack, and dramatically improved audio.

2.8X faster. Approaching WiFi speeds (WiFi scored 17 seconds). When compared to other 3G phones (Nokia N95 and Treo 750), the iPhone is 36% faster – and better looking.


That rollout will occur over the coming few months

Now on to the final challenge – affordability. Started at $599 for an 8GB iPhone, now $399. The iPhone 3G 8GB will sell for… $199.

wow. 200 bucks is awesome

i’m sold


jesus fucking christ

as much as an apple hater I am, I might go to the dark side for this

SDK w/ core location & push service, 3g, $200…

I am sold, when can I preorder…

No word on the 32G WTF!!! I’m holding on to the blackberry longer by the looks of it…:tantrum: