AT&T dumps unlimited data plans

Surprise nobody posted this up yet…

While I just migrated our entire company from AT&T to Verizon this doesn’t affect me, however sounds like a bullshit way to just charge overages for those who actually use their data plan…

From what I read if you currently have it you can keep it

yup, if you have it you can keep it.

I have it and I love streaming to my iPhone lol

Its just a quick fix to the companies not wanting to expand their bandwidth. This is likely going to cost them customers, time will tell though. From what I understand when one renews their contract they are going to make them switch over to the not unlimited plan, hopefully not.

Apparently only if you DO NOT make any changes to your current plan…Expect Verizon and others to do this as well.

I was upset until I looked at my history of usage and I have never come close to 2GB in a month in the 2 years I’ve owned the phone.

love my cricket

Seriously. How do you burn up 2 gigs on a cell phone in a month? You’d have to do a lot of tethering and downloading I’d guess. I’m glad my data just got $5 bucks cheaper. :tup:

What ever you do, don’t email the CEO of AT&T to complain about it like my close friend Giorgio did. :lol:

AT&T warns customer that emailing the CEO will result in a cease and desist letter

Between Me and the Fiancee we have 331 MB since Feb.

Same. I’ve never even hit the 1gb mark, so I’m happy to have a cheaper plan.

the only comment i have on this, is no one should be happy or even ok about this change. prices should not increase, especially not that much. bandwidth is cheap, especially when you are a huge telecommunications company and the data market is exploding. the two giants typically follow each others lead and set the bar for the industry, so i can only imagine VZW isnt far behind with something like this.

i just hit 1gb in my phone but i downloaded a couple torrent files which had a lot to do with that

I have expressed my extreme discontent for this decision elsewhere already, but why not…

I would probably be called a ‘heavy user’ by ATT, as I average 20GB of data use a month, and have since the launch of iPhone 3G. The 3 iPhones on my family plan never use under 2GB a month, one of them being my dad. He doesn’t tether, or really use it for anything major. I simply can’t understand how someone cant use well over 2GB a month on such a device. I have a 50 year old coworker who uses 2-3GB a month, and just dropped his RoadRunner to iPhone tethering this week.

Bandwidth should never be restricted. The main reason I like the iPhone is the service provided by ATT. It’s the fastest out of the bunch, reliable, and has fairly good coverage. Combine that with a truly unlimited plan, and i’d call it epic for $30 a month. Even if I used 50mb a month, I would be pissed the unlimited plan was replaced with a 2GB cap.

This is simply unacceptable, and it’s not going to get any better. It’s likely other carriers will follow this model and cap their current 5gb soft limits on ‘unlimited’ plans down to 2GB as well.

im with this.
if im playing for “unlimited” i want unlimited. end of story.

It’s people like this that make me glad they’re starting a cap. A phone data plan is not meant to replace your home internet connection. A few of these gross mis-users are the ones making the network slow for the rest of us playing by the rules (or at least not being complete assholes about it when we do break the rules).

Yeah, I have the tethering hack and I occasionally give my laptop 3g internet using my iPhone. I’ve still never gone over 2gb in a month because I’m not some asshole who thinks I can cancel my broadband and just leech off AT&T’s mobile data plan to give broadband to my house.

+1 on the never coming close to using 5GB… I think verizon will do this once they roll out their LTE network.

Initially yesterday when Jay and I’s mutual friend mentioned in the Engadget link send me the original link I went into another dimension of pissed off however as the day went by and looking at my historical usage it will not affect me much at all, I am still pissed about the tether being 20, if you are going to hard cap at 2gb a month charging more money for tether is just price gouging.

However all that aside what happened to our friend, just proves Scott Bournes point in this blog post that AT&T CS really is absolute shit.

However Engadget has another article that says according to ATT facebook page you can keep the 30 unlimited even with a device upgrade, however we will see about about that.

I am going to give the Evo 4G a serious look but it is tough to give up the iPhone.

I just changed my plan with T-Mobile and checked what their policy is with unlimited internet on my account - once I hit 10gb in a billing cycle then they throttle down my speed. Whoop-te-do.