OMG this is so true and funny.

This is so funny because it’s true :lol: !

hahaha, a few of those were really funny.

I prefer gailgirl390 from mimico, or shopgirl21 from toronto.

So true! :shock:

:shock: huh?

haha, those dating service ads around the vid.

I know clicking the pic doesn’t lead me to her bio, but I never learn. :roll:

LoL… Yea, there’s actually a virus on my computer, everytime there’s the characters “azn” in those ads, I lose control of my cursor and it instantly goes over it. Then I lose control of my MX500 and it clicks away like mad :smiley:

and here i thought i could hook up with gizinmyface4u2 from my home town #-o well back to the old fashioned infomertials for me …