omgz - a break?

Okay some you may remember me from awhile ago - trying to trade my integra for a 240. Well I am now going to college, and driving the teg, wee.

I did get a break, I currently can trade my teg for this, I dont know wether or not this person view this forum, but hey, w/e. Does this look like a fair trade, or will the work I want to do kinda make the whole ordeal pointless?

Apparently its super clean underbody and enginebay, and runs great, auto with 210 xxxkms. I Dislike the paint and its auto - but with time I could slowly shape it into perfection. Rattle can black and 5spd :smiley:

What would you do, I can only see me in the end dishing out more cash then I should have if I just waited. But its a straight up trade.

Would anyone be able to go check it out? I live 5 hours away and kinda cant go there and be like NAW its shit, and drive home. But the guy says he cant give me anymore pics.

Whats yall opinions?

i think the exterior body SURE HAS NO RUST but u gota ask him to pop the hood and snap a pick and strut towers and snap picks of the underbody frame rails. if its that great i think it wuld be sold soon before u can do ur trade

if you really want it go check it our seriously anyways i think i see some specs of rust, might not mean much (i can be wrong) but he’s saying its mint so who knows…first pic, front of the rear wheel wheel and i think i see some under the spoiler. Still looks clean tho.

Thats my teg

Man take it on yourself and go check it out. If this car is really mint a SON member would see this call him and check it out, if its good he will buy it. You gotta believe in your purchase and yourself and go check it out!

It’s a 5 hour ride and I dont want to go all that way and the car turns out to be ass, if anyone is close id appreciate if someone could go look. Like I dont want to get it drive one hour and be stranded hours away and broke.

Im just askin is all… No need to be angry. From the pics you can tell it aint mint and the guy seems somewhat fishy (wont send other pics) I want it but dont want to waste my time and cash.

I’m not getting angry I’m just sayin man. Usually I ask the seller questions in such a way like…hows the underbody and shit. Get pics of it and if someone will check it out consider yourself lucky but I remember waiting once because I didnt wanna drive an hour and a half to see a car…White S14 for $2700.

But ya being positive and confident in your purchase is a must :slight_smile:

Yeah I understand, the guy just says its all mint and it obviously isnt, when he says mint underbody, I assume rust.

Either way. Would you do the trade? The teg is pretty good condition and runs great, its just fwd and I cant do that shit anymore.

I wouldn’t do anything until he posts pics of strut towers and under body. If he doesn’t he is;
a) lying about the under body
b) losing business(you) by not posting them and leaving you hesitant about buying

So its basically he’s losing a sale if he doesn’t take 1 minute out of his life.

Just to be nice I might be able to check it out for you.

That would be wicked if you could. Really wicked.

It looks decent but you really gotta see underneath it to judge how the rust is

“needs front bumper repainted, paint chipping off”

^due to impact with XXXX object…

Its quite obvious it hit something, you guys think it was hard enough to do structural damage? I doubht it.

I think there is a pretty sweet auto tranny 240 in the trader for $1,700. Sell your Integra for $2,000 and open yourself up to more options.
well… I just check and its gone… but this one is there and its probably alot closer to you|
Just get cash for your integra and find a good deal this fall.