On topic?

Just moderate serious threads in OT. Where is it written that every thread in OT has to be allowed to become a worthless shit fest? You can tell what threads are just for fun, and which are intelligent discussions worth keeping clean. The current fitness thread is a decent example.

ehhhh, in keeping with the general theme of off topic - anything goes - it’s a big grey area.

Is a subforum for ontopic discussion that we can nazi mod that big of a deal?

this would be awesome, too many times you ask a serious question in off topic, and the first person in is way out in left feild with some stupid shit haha

Its for the greater good!

This thread reeks of hypocrisy…

Not just OT, but almost every thread on this site evolves into some sort of pissing match of who can be the funniest via “clever” insults or the most “intelligent” or the most “edgy”…

Tully, unless you know the poster in person, their jokes are not captivated very well and end up only projecting themselves to friends. It makes threads cluttered with useless “inside joke” garbage and makes things go sooo OT.

No not even close. Its the retards on the site that come in and bash someone with a serious question that never gets anwsered and page 3 ends up locked. The maturity levels on this site are appauling.

I’m suggesting a heavily modded subforum where that wouldnt fly.

As heavily modded as this?


It would be a pretty solid subforum, but it is what OT is supposed to be anyhow. Maybe just crack down on OT a little bit and it will come around.

might as well just rename the forum wnyhangout.com and create and create an automotive subforum.

i think people generally have enough decency (sp) to see when a decent, serious conversation is going on and they wont shit it up.

Yeah I know… and I agree with that. Like no bullshit at all.

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Really, thats what you think. Have you read your infractions lately?

There are so many people that shit up a thread, even with an innocent comment that just gets harped on. I have been guilty of this as have we all in the past.

lol yes i have shitted up a few threads in my day, but if i see a conversation going on where people can benefit from reading it, i will put my input (when i actually know what im talking about) to help inform others, and keep it on a serious note. which is the approach most people should take. the fitness thread is a good example of where this is done right

ok so lets just make this happen and lock this

There is no just make it happen. There is Howie and he makes it happen.

Whose definition of “for fun / for srs” is going to be used to enforce this universally?

define serious question:

define decent, serious conversation:

Define bullshit:

define intelligent conversation:
also, define the singular proper way to boost a b16:

This is a community site, but such things are up to the site owner. You want something (off road forum, bike forum), petition him.


There’s no rule that says OT has to be allowed to be a shitfest. We’ll moderate the more serious discussions as per our judgement.

If we create a subforum where people aren’t allowed to act like pricks, then we’ll effectively be saying that you are allowed to be a prick in OT. That’s not cool.

I know what you mean, but I think a poorly over monitored attempt at this thread is better than where this site is heading… Hell, ill even mod it if nobody wants to. but it sounds like evolve has his gameface on for the task.
