One amazing pitch (baseball)

this is definitely a sweet pitch to pull off, especially in a professional league!

wow thats hilarous, i wonder if they would even allow that in the majors

that guy is pretty flexible and talented…idk why the guy didnt hit that

silly azns

i would take him yard.

That was way outside

chin ming wang should take some lessons from this guy, maybe he wont get benched.


Problem is you only get to do that once, next time the ball goes out of the park

Haha… I was gonna say, it was still a ball.

Buzzkill out


meh not that impressive, the distraction is weak that shit would get hit yard.

the jap “screw ball” is much more impressive.

Haha, no, it is impressive that he not only developed it, he practiced it, he attempted it in a game, and then it worked.

That was impressive. The fact that he is Asian makes it 56465x better.

hahahaha josh, nice addition at the end.

that to me is impressive that he is able to pull it off.

Id love to get a shot at that pitch… its the 90 mph + fastball that id watch fly by.

Most impressive repost today.

so delete it

Impressive because throwing a ball behind your back from the mound to the plate is tough as hell.
Not as impressive because it wasn’t a game. There isn’t a single person in the stands.

psst… not in a real game, lack of batting helmet is the telltale sign, at most it is an exhibition.

Well, I cant watch the video right now but all I know is it looked like it was from the 80’s and who knows what crazy under attended Japanese league that was. For all we know thats the equivalent to a Single A US game minus safety standards.

But thats just from what I remembered watching this morning, the vid is blocked at work.