One of our own on Redline TV...

I just got home and turned on Speed to catch the tail end of Redline TV when I heard a very familiar voice. They were covering “Dubfest Car Show & Expo” in Cali and talking about autocross was low and behold, Stephen Yeoh!

This episode will be on again and if I find it on youtube or something I’ll be sure to post it up.


55 seconds in

Congrats Stephen!


oh damn…

thats awesome :tup:




He’s an SCCA instructor who used to race every weekend around here but moved to Cali a couple years ago

If anyone can rip this clip and throw it on youtube, I’d appreciate it, since I don’t have speed :frowning:

yea i dont have it either, so i would appreciate it as well

stephen was probably the most genuinely nice and helpful people i have ever met at a race.

:tup:hes not a bad driver either:)

his porsche was sweet :tup:

He’s rockin a golf now, which explains why he was on that show.

Stephen is a good guy, I really liked talking to him…

and talking and talking and talking and talking… ( he never shut up. haha. )

good for him :tup:

Awesome! Good dude and an excellent teacher!

I like that he dressed up for the tv spot


congrats Stephen!!

haha, I just happened to catch that too.

That’s awesome. I haven’t seen him since he had the 300zx. Good for him!

i hear so much about this dude, its cool that he keeps up with the local car scene wherever he goes and in whatever he drives

Wow, good for him! Man, I miss that guy…

I saw that on Speed too :slight_smile:

Awww, Stephen! Never met him in person, but him and I have shot emails back and forth for a while now. After I first brought the Boxster out EVERYONE was like “You have to get in touch with Stephen.”