Online Defensive Driving Courses

You no longer need to go to an actual facility. Thought this would be good to know for some of you guys.

Repost? Good info regardless.

I didn’t know.

Here is the post from the other forum that I got it from (

DMV Approval

Here’s some websites to take the defensive driving course.
Defensive Driving Course NY | New York DMV Approved Online Class
Coupon code NYDD5OFF to get $5 off
Coupon code CA 40 (Takes some $$ off not sure how much)

Coupon code NYDDC15 to get it for $19.50

This is not free. Pricing ranges anywhere from $39.00 to $20.00 depending on which coupon codes you use and website. Either way for $39, its not bad at all.

Course Information:
State: New York
Agency: New York State DMV
Course: NY Point and Insurance Reduction Course Online
Time: Complete in one day or take a whole month
Login from home, work or a coffee shop, 24/7
100 % Online | 100% Pass Rate

  • Take up to 30 DAYS to complete at your own pace in as little as 5 MINUTE INCREMENTS

Please note that once the course is started you will need to complete the entire course of 320 minutes within 30 days of registration.
-The course is available 24/7
-You can log in and out as many times as you like.
-Credit is given in 5-minute increments.
-You may request a full refund at any time prior to completion of the course.

Completion Certificate
We will file your completion with the DMV. You will receive your copy and copy for the insurance carrier within 7-10 business days after you complete the course, unless you pick an expedited mailing option during the registration. You should present your certificate to your insurance company or agent within 90 days after the course completion, your liability and collision premium reduction will begin immediately, retroactive to the date you completed the course. If you present your certificate more than 90 days after course completion, the insurer may issue the premium discount effective from the date presented.

nice dude! i will def be doing this asap.

sweet, allstate has been doing this for a while

IIRC geico does not recognize the online course for the insurance discount. I know I got a letter in the mail a few weeks back about my current one expiring and how the online course wouldnt count

Sweet, I’ll have to do this!

FUCK Geico.

I have geico and they said if its a nys certified program online or not, it applies.

sweet… good post

I cant find my letter, but I’d call before you went ahead and did it, just to be safe. I cant find anything online, but I KNOW the letter said that to renew the discount, the online course didnt count (maybe its just for the renewal?)

I called the 1800 number. I even asked if online would count. They said as long as NYS recognizes it. Dunno how that applies to renewals though.

GEICO sucks, i had them for about 2 years,then got smart and went to ALLSTATE, saved about 600$ a year and got better coverage

  • rep.

I’ll have to check out allstate, I’ve heard lots of people have switched with good results. As it is now, I pay less then $1000 a year for full coverage on my mountaineer, i’ll have to see what kinda quote I can get from allstate

I’m doing one online now (not at this moment, but have a little over 1/2 done) and need it done by the 17th.

It’s pretty decent, I suppose. Before you take the course, you type the same word (mine is “Safe Driver”) about eight or nine times. They do this to test your typing and consistency. Then you answer about 25-30 questions, yes or no. During the test, random windows will pop up to make sure you’re still there. If you don’t respond in 30 seconds or less, fail. You respond by typing that “Safe Driver” or answering those questions. If you type it differently than how you did before, you fail. If you answer the question wrong, almost fail. They give you a second chance… WITH THE SAME QUESTION. lol

They also won’t let you move on until time is up. I was almost through one 50min session and the Safe Driver thing popped up. I typed it differently than I did before, and they failed me. I called, complained… Told them to expect it some more times due to my broken index finger lol. They also let me skip that session.

I just took an online DD course through Cost was $35 with triple-A discount. Total time was about six hours and I did it over the course of three days. I’m waiting for my certificate to be mailed to me.

Under 25 years old with a car in the highest insurance category means I’ll take any discount I can get.

I LOL’d at a few of the pics shown on the course I’m taking:
^Figures… BMW drivers are such douche bags.

Some text:
In 2001, a man was sentenced to three years in prison for grabbing a small dog from another driver’s vehicle and throwing the dog into traffic. The dog, a 10-year-old bichon frise named Leo, was killed.

I just finished one of the 55min sessions in 21minutes. Now I sit here and weait the remaining 34min.