Online Defensive Driving Course?

My girlfriends father insists that there is an online defensive driving course that you can take which will give you the same discounts as an in-person course for your insurance.

Does anyone know if that’s true? I’d love to take the course from home instead of scheduling it and going in for 6 hours of classroom study!

I know in other states you can take those point reduction/punishment classes online

Not in NYS


I looked into this, there are several online schools.

NY does not recognize them, they want you to sit in a class and not pay attention, versus going online and not paying attention. was awesome in texas, sit there and get wasted taking DD.

Seems like it could make it much easier than sitting through 8 hours of hell on a weekend. The site is really vague on what the course entails, and I’d really like to know what I was getting myself into a little better before I fork over $35. Anyone tried it out yet?

4 less points and 10% off my insurance would sure be nice.

I’m pretty sure the DMV website has a list of eligible online courses you can take, i would just double check to make sure this is one of them.

Yeah, check with the DMV before you pay the money. It would be nice to just take an online class for the insurance reduction, but it seems way to easy for NYS, lol.

My thoughts exactly, lol. I really just wish it would tell you some specifics about the course, other than it’s split up into small segments.

Either way I’m going to the DMV to get my updated Drivers Abstract printed off. And I’ll make sure it’s legit then.

maybe look at the stickies in the top of the forum?

Well I searched for NYS Driving Course and came up with nothing. Sorry guys.

I took the class for a speeding ticket, it was really easy, cost $40 and it lasted about 6 hours i just watched movies while taking it, didn’t need to pay attention.

After each chapter it asks 3 questions that are pretty obvious. I believe there were like 10 chapters or so. Each chapter is timed so you cant answer the questions till the time is up. It also asks to enter a password randomly to make sure you are still paying attention, i think it only did it for me maybe 3 or 4 times.

I rather take it online than sit in a boring class for 4 hours.

It’s cool. I just did a search for ‘defensive driving’ and both threads came up. I merged your thread with another of the same likeness.

But like Jam said, there is a sticky at the top of the ‘Autos’ forum.

Yeah just read it, thanks, and thanks Tim for the insight.