Only 10 more years of gas powered BMWs

Page 2 in the section on Tesla:

One more thing. While many car companies doubt electric cars will ultimately represent a large portion of new car sales, BMW is not one of those companies. Two of our research analysts recently visited BMW’s headquarters in Munich, as well as its electric vehicle and carbon fiber assembly plants in Leipzig, Germany, and its battery pack assembly plant and research facility in Dingolfing, Germany. The BMW financial team believes a revolution in drive train is underway. We believe that BMW will likely phase out internal combustion engines over the next 10 years


Yea how many countries have powergrids that can support that :lol:

There’s also an energy production revolution in process. Solar energy is now starting to become as viable as coal energy due to lowering costs of manufacturing the panels and better efficiency.

The next couple decades are going to be very interesting for the energy industry.

i hope the next M3 is a hyrbid with that torque fill shizz… 500hp and 40mpg.