Only in the US...

…can you sue people for stupid crap like this.

Patterson’s suit said he bought an iPod last year, but does not specify whether he suffered hearing loss from the device.

Patterson does not know if the device has damaged his hearing, said his attorney, Steve W. Berman, of Seattle. But that’s beside the point of the lawsuit, which takes issue with the potential the iPod has to cause irreparable hearing loss, Berman said.

are some of these people for real? :roll:
maybe they shouldnt turn the volume up so high.
this falls in place closely to the McD’s hot coffee lawsuit a while back…

i know that having headphones on isnt too good for your ears, but if you listen to loud music so closely and constantly…yea, your hearing is bound to worsen…

i didnt know that it was bad that my ears hurt from playing my ipod full volume …

… i though “well its unposible that maybe my ipod can play louder then a safe level”

EDIT: if he can sue for this, im gonna go 90mph down the highway and wreck my car, then sue nissan for selling me a car that can go faster then is “safe”


Best lawsuit I ever heard about was a guy that broke into a house when the people were not at home fell down while robbing them and go seriously injured and had to live off of pepsi and dog food til they got home. He sued them and won for suffering an injury while on their property.

The problem with america is that a jury of your peers is most likely a group of people that are sue happy like you and sympathize instead of looking at you and go YOU ARE DUMB GO AWAY. It sucks and its what makes insurances of every variety go up.

Stuff like that just disgusts me. I cant stand stupidity.

yep, i beleive he was sneaking in the skylight, and fell on the table or the counter, cutting himself on one of the homeowners large kitchen knives

could be mistaken on the details tho

people need to end themselves/

i cant fukking stand bu11shit litigation and ambulance chasing lawyers always trying to sue someone for some bullsh1t reason

:word: ive heard this too, im not sure if it is an urban legend or if it really happened

actually, back a few years ago (before all the “smart buy” BS) you could lease a car. Technically, it still belonged to the car manufacturer. People were suing the manufacturer for traffic accident related injuries. Lease laws have since been modified to protect manufacturers from those kinds of douchebags. Just an FYI…you’re not THAT original. :wink:

thats the story jim carrey’s secretary told him in “Liar, Liar”

but yes, I have heard of people getting hurt inside houses they are burglarizing, and suing.

yes i know about the lease deal, what it was is the lease company still technicly had ownership of the car due to the way some NYS law was writen, instead of editing the law, NYS let leases dissappear in NY …

the skylight burglar story might be urban legend, but apparently theres a case with a student walking around on his schools roof, and winding up falling thru a skylight that had been painted over, school settled out of court because of a previous similar case a few towns away …

i know the skylight / burglar story was on liar liar, but ive ben hearing about it for way longer then the movies been around :stuck_out_tongue:

If you actually knew anything…you would know that once it was discovered that you could sue the manufacturer, you were OBLIGATED by law to.

actually, the McDs lawsuit had real merit. The coffee was actually WAY hotter than it ever should have been, as in hundreds of degrees, and there was actual neglegence and and unavoidable circumstance encountered by the consumer who had a legetimte expectation of a “hot” beverage, not burning magma from the center of the earth.

but yes, this case is retarded

negative ghost rider

The number one reason I don’t want to live in the US anymore, can’t do/make anything without worrying about some stupid shit like this. :tdown: