Communist Apple is under attack

horray, fucking commie bastards

Your linking sucks. That lawsuit won’t stick.


And your link doesnt work russian

Also, totally won’t stick. Nor should it. Apple should be able to make products that play whatever the fuck they want them to play, including nothing at all. Fuck all these goddamn meddling bitches that don’t understand the necessity of a free market. The government should NOT be telling companies what music their mp3 players need to be able to play. The market needs to be telling the companies this.

whats an “ipod”

so you buy an ipod, knowing you have to buy music from itunes
you decide that you BOUGHT INTO an antitrust setup which you do not like

your options are:
a: sell ipod, buy different mp3 player
b: sue apple for your stupidity


hey, heres an idea, dont buy Ipods just to be a trendy fuck!

-omg ipodz, must have now ! lookz at me, i cool becauz of ipodz-

a proprietary flash drive with a headphone jack

  • a really good DAC
  • a really good design
  • a really good battery
  • a really good warrenty

i have a mrobe… its made by olympus, i have had it for over a year, and NEVER had one issue…

  • it has 40g of storage (20 stock)
  • it can take pictures, playback video, all audio formats, and can be sync’d with windows media player and is reconized in millaseconds… along with automatic updates via internet…
  • touch screen lcd crystal clear
  • was only 200 bucks in 2006…
  • for having more features then the Igay and having a curb weight of the same (:lol: at curb weight)
    :tup: to a camera company making a decent product

I sell cars that have Igay adaptors… what a waist of money, the other standard feature is the aux imput wich acts as a more useful design becuase of ease of access.

I have used all ipods, all models, hundreds, and i can say this DONT WAIST YOUR MONEY!!!

actually it is kinda monopolistic to buy an mp3 player and only use their software. I dont mind using itunes at all for my ipod but they may have a case.

How could it go to my waist? I mean I could try eating it, but I’d rather spend that dollar on food and have it go to my waist that way.

But the nature of the iPod is quite limiting, it might be a case, however there are TONS of other options out there I can’t see how this would stick.

You obviously have no idea what a monopoly is.


incorrect there are many high quality formats out there that this does not play

Truth, the fact is they cornered the market early and now the word ipod is a household name. I personally have a zune which is a fantastic product and much better than any ipod i have used with the exception of the touch which is pretty fucking sweet. Drive size of the touch is a huge downfall.

As far as cars with ipod access i agree it is pretty lame since an aux in is better since you can use any mp3 player and it works fine. My mom just bought a focus yesterday though and HOLY FUCK is sync sweet! i just thought i would mention that.

I got it off ebay new for 120 SHIPPED

does everything an ipod does and more

granted its larger, but i can also actually watch my video

can’t beat it

what happens with my unit is if there is a format that is not “syncABLE” it will convert to mp3 using my digital dj program…

therefor if you send me media regardless of format, I can sync it to my unit…

its a great product :tup: too bad it was not marketed as well as apple did…

:tup: to apple’s marketing scheme

ugh, then it does not play any format, it converts the format to crap and then syncs it, no different than the ipod (if you actually know what you are doing)

Why does it not surprise me this lawsuit came out of CA?