Hitler responds to the iPad


Probably already old but I just saw it.

holy crap, it’s been years since I’ve seen you post mang.

where’d you disappear to?

ughhhhhhhhhhhhh^^^^^^ same question

you’re needed back on son

lmao thats good

Holly fuck Fob’s not even I disapear from SON that long and I’m at the other side of the world lol!.. Where were you in jail or were you stranded on some island with a volleyball?

Welcome back budy!

Thanks guys! :slight_smile: I was in jail for a few months.

Jk, I’ve just been really busy with finishing up my last semester of school + work.

Seems like nothing much has changed though!

Antonio responds to the iPad:
It’s fucking shit.

Longer response:
Hey look, it’s a tablet PC with no keyboard, multi tasking, optical drive, the ability to run an OS, or ANY FUCKING THING FOR THAT MATTER. Really, it’s just a giant iPod touch, and Steve Jobs should be shot, then hung, then shot again just to be safe.
On the flip side, I know that it will sell well, because you could literally take anything, wrap it in pretty shiny plastic, put the Apple logo on it, and be guaranteed to be a top selling product because Apple fan boys have the same IQ as sugar free gum.

I got a good idea, lets take an ipod touch make it 5x bigger and give it a 3g network!!!
OMG, so creative! its GENIUS…

In reality 2 years from now its only use will be a place mat to put my dinner plate on.

awesome video :slight_smile:

Come on guys, who honestly thinks Apple is even a serious company? Their computer market share is 5% or less, and all of their computers are twice the price of what they should be. You can’t even put together a mac, even if you wanted to. So you have to buy it at their stores.
They make an mp3 player (ipod) with buggy software (I know, cuz I had mine for a while and it still freezes for no reason at all), a cell phone (iphone) whose batteries last like a day and still have crap firmware (calls not going out, web browser just closing on your while surfing etc…).
And now this… ipad, which is just a bigger version of the same shit that they make.

They basically hype their stuff to the max and see if people buy it or not. Btw, the ipod saved their ass from going under big time. When Creative made mp3 players, they had a much better sound than the ipods. Not to mention they were half the price of the ipods. After all, Creative is a sound-card manufacturer, so this only makes sense that the quality of the sound would be top notch.

I find it sad that a computer company makes most of their money on a half-ass mp3 player and a sorry excuse for a cell phone… shit, I think most people use their iphones to play games! Not to mention that they are sued by Nokia for over 10+ patents.

The more I think about it, the more I realize that company is ass-backwards.

In any case, just wait for the next big hype from Apple that will put them in the spotlight which they don’t deserve.

Btw, the only reason I have an ipod is because I got it for free. Not even in my nightmares would I pay 200+ bucks for something this mediocre.

^I have one cause they’re the annoying standard and I have no choice. Basically all in car audio interfaces are designed to support the iPod, and only the iPod. If I get a Creative mp3 player or a Zune or something, I can only use an audio out, and I won’t have any control over the mp3s. With the iPod, I’m able to change songs and volume.
With that being said, it’s a PIECE OF SHIT. It crashes a lot, and I have had to stop my car on several occasions to reboot it, and set it up again. It’s a foul piece of technology, but I’m forced to use it.

Exactly the same reason why I have an iPod too.

It’s like trying to promote HD-DVD players and such when Blu-ray is the standard now.

good to know that I’m not the only one that hates those things :slight_smile:
but like you said, it’s a standard thing, eventhough it’s a piece of crap…