This Is Interesting

is anyone else besides me just not enthused about the iPhone?

Shhhhh Steve Jobs will hear you and target you with his iCBM

But really, i can’t see the reason for having one. seems kinda big and fragile

According to Verizon, Apple CEO Steve Jobs insisted that he have hard control over iPhone distribution.

seems like the same problem plaguing their computers aswell

wow. pretty interesting. but i can see verizon’s point, don’t get all involved with the ipod. and all the royalties apple wanted :roll:

I don’t want one, but then again, I’m one of the few remaining people on earth not to have an iPod.

Face it, a ton of people have an iPod of some variety, and even more people have cell phones. Combine the two into one device, make it work seamlessly, and it could be a HUGE seller. I know if I carried both most of the time like the majority of iPod users I know, I’d be happier only having to carry one.

I still think as far as integration goes, they have to make the battery able to last 2x as long since it’s a combo device now.