The Apple iPad

I just won an apple iPad with 64GB 3g and wifi from work. After 2 months of working for Yahoo, I won my first contest lol.

I haven’t received it yet but was wondering what user’s first impression is with it?

I will probably jailbreak it as it will be my first jailbreaking experience.

Any cool free apps or modifications? I haven’t research the iPad that much since I haven’t received it yet. I am not planning on using the 3g service.

I think apple should combine the macbook pro and the iPad and make the macbook pro screen detachable and able to function as an Ipad.

Other than that I can offer no insight besides my friends dad has one and he’s pretty damn happy with it. And prefers it over a macbook.

Im not a big fan, I think it is just an over sized itouch. but my wife is madly in love with them and will probably be buying one in the next few weeks. wana sell :stuck_out_tongue: ?

I like everything about the one by friend bought except the price so I’d say you’re all set.

They are pretty cool, and really cool if you get it for free!

TONS of shit you can do with these :tup:

I agree that they are over-priced. I do think it is an over-sized iphone/itouch. The one I am getting retails for 829. I can never see me self buying that when you can get good laptops for under 500.

I will keep researching.

sell it buy a laptop/netbook and bank the other $300-400

but iHate the iPad. so i’m biased

I agree it’s pretty useless and selling for cash would be easy money, but it’s sort of a low blow to your organization to just sell something they gave to you as a prize.

I see what you did there.


After a few weeks with one, I’d say it’s handy for reading ebooks, playing games, streaming netflix, itunes, and light web browsing. On the train ride I took a few weeks ago it was very entertaining.

Not useful for posting on forums (hate onscreen keyboards), word processing, or coding.

Basically, they’re ideal for content consumption, any kind of creation… not so much.

I was expecting the ipad to bump my laptop out of use, but it turns out to have bumped the iphone. The only time I pull out the iphone these days is when I’m standing in line somewhere (or when i get a phone call, obviously).

Exactly, why buy a product that renders another product that you already own useless? You basically just replaced your iPhone with a huge iPhone and now you are paying for 2 data plans for what? the same crap (assuming you have the 3g version of the iPad)… This is 1 of many reasons I think this product is silly. I guess I just don’t understand it… if you don’t mind staring straight down at a table to watch a movie, I guess thats kinda cool… but i rather watch my tv(streaming netflix or my xbox streaming netflix or my wii streaming netflix) and surf the web on my laptop or play with the apps on my phone. iPad is in the middle of all three products but isn’t better at any of the tasks the other devices perform. If you are a teenager in high school and don’t have a tv in your room or a smart phone, thats when this product makes some sense… but for the people who have a tv, smart phone and a laptop/desktop, I don’t understand why this device is necessary. For the same price as an iPad you could buy a pretty decent TV with HD quality(maybe not 1080p with 120hz), but atleast with a tv you can watch a movie with FRIENDS! But (yes i started a sentence with but) as my brother says “its always on and waiting so you don’t have to wait for it to load” ok i guess… /rant

But, you won yours. So congratulations! sell it and buy a tv or a laptop or a smart phone and pay for your data service for a year or two.

Or do what Daniel Tosh did in Tosh.O and hit it with a golf club, it will help with your slice.

i doubt it will hurt a massive companies feelings.

Guy on the plane the other day next to me was using it with a wireless BT keyboard, seemed pretty sweet.

I thought they were an awful idea until I played around with one for a while. I still think its too much money, but if one fell in my lap I would definitely get a lot of use out of it.

its only 30 bucks/month for the 3g. seems like a good deal for all the time internet if you dont have a computer and home based internet already.

I got a new MacBook pro with a free itouch and I really enjoy both. A friend of mine got an ipad with a keyboard and docking station that holds it at like a 45 degree angle which is kind of cool. It’s fun to play on for a little bit but I may need some more time on it. If you it for free sweet but I probably wouldn’t buy one.

You tie yourself to another revenue stream for Apple unless you jailbreak the thing, that and an extra data plan on top of your two other ones (home and cell)…

I plan on jailbreaking and not using the data plan. I don’t need to be tied down by technology when I work with it everyday.

I probably won’t sell it because it is something new but 4g iPad will probably come out soon…

nope! the iPod 4g means 4th generation not 4g network capabilities. remember At&t sucks and wont have 4g for a while. iPad 2g will probably come out in a month with a usb port or something revolutionary like that.

You’re just a moron if you do it that way. Pay the $20 for iPhone tethering and use that, why would you pay for the same thing three times?