Quitting Smoking V. Laser Concept


1st I’ll say congrats on quitting, it really is a hard thing to do and I dont want this post to sound like a knock or that Im calling you a wuss for getting help.

I tentatively call BS on laser treatment. It sounds like if they slapped you in the back of the head 5 times every 10 minutes for an hour it would help also.

Any statistics on this vs. some other treatment, I mean do they try to sell you this?
The only reason I question it is becuase I smoked a little more than a pack a day for about 5 years, like half a pack a day for 4 years before that and I quit w/o anything but altoids and free will.


I don’t mind what you say, no offense taken…it’s an opinion. :tup: and thanks for the congrats! I personally said the same thing untill I talked to many-many people with great results. So I said what the hell, and here I am…not smoking.

Best $175 I spent, hocus pocus or not. As I said, the cravings are far easier to overcome. Even easier than when I was using the patch and other crap like that.

Edit: I expect to see haters. Flame away!