Quitting Smoking V. Laser Concept

I have been a 10 yr smoker now at about 1 1/2 packs a day. I have tried a few different quitting methods, none of which worked for more than a week. (mainly a personal will-power issue).

I was going to try again at new years…so I used the patch and it didn’t work for more than two days. Dejected and all, I was talking about it at work that week, and that is one of my drivers here at NAPA stepped into the convo. He is about 60 yrs old and was a heavy smoker for 40 of those years…VERY HEAVY. 5-6 packs a day at for a while. Yeah…that is disgusting. He told me that 5 or so years ago, he had a procedure done with lasers or some shit and I laughed. Very hard. His story was probably one of the few stories that was sucessful, and blah blah blah. Well I did some research and it seemed to have positive results with quite a few peple that I have personally talked to.

Well on thursday of last week I went to Fort Erie Canada to a small place called Laser Concept. I was still very skeptical, but I really wanted to quit. After a 20 minute drive from my driveway to her front door, I underwent a 10 minute procedure and $175 USD later, I walked away feeling like I just wasted my money. Untill I got home…and realized that I didn’t have a smoke the whole way home. Score! At home that night I felt a little drowsy and I did have cravings (still do) but they are nowhere near as strong as they normally would be.

On tuesday…I was cleaning out my car and found an unopened pack of smokes under the seat. Ruh Rouh, they went into my pocket. SHIT! I AM A RETARD. Later that night, I got into a little highway race with a good friend that ended up at Mighty. After races…I have that jittery feeling so I had one. I enjoyed it very much and thought I just fooked up my quitting attempt. Well that night I was driving home and put another one in my mouth and picked up the lighter…and proceeded to crumple the smoke and the rest of the pack up and threw it out the window. (litterbug)

Sorry for the long read…but here are the cliffs:*

Laser Concept
516 Garrison Rd #3
Country Square Plaza
Fort Erie, Ont.
L2A 1N2
(905) 871-8720 (Fort Erie office)
1-800-411-7411 (Florida office)

Go there…The lady is super nice, and the place is charming to say the least.

I quit…had one cig since and have been a little gittery…but much better off than I was before I tried this. I will never smoke again.

I am pretty sure this will last.

What the fuck do they do with the laser? :ohnoes:

Oh, and change the “s” in your signature to a “c.”


one of my drivers here at NAPA stepped into the convo. He is about 60 yrs old and was a heavy smoker for 40 of those years…VERY HEAVY. 5-6 packs a day at for a while.


is that even possible?

p.s.- :bloated: jesus H christ.

props X 1,000,000

smoking is gross.


What the fuck do they do with the laser? :ohnoes:


yea seriously?

Congrats Hank :wink: I hope you continue to stay strong!!!


What the fuck do they do with the laser? :ohnoes:



explain to us what happened with the laser?? :eekdance:



explain to us what happened with the laser?? :eekdance:




What the fuck do they do with the laser? :ohnoes:


That is the most important part and I left it out! lol

They tape it to your balls and every time you think about smoking, it sends a high heat high radiation charge to the boys and well…

But really it is just a regular red laser pen looking thing hooked to a machine. She would stick it in weird parts of my earlobe untill the machine beeped…then my fore-arm in one spot, the back of my hand and my nose. No pain, no feeling except a little drowsyness (and a brain tumor JK).

I guess it is like acupuncture but way more effective and quick. I read that what it really does is stimulates the production of certain endorphins and other bullshit that helps you quit.

I consider it more of a jump start to quitting as you still have to want to quit or it won’t work. She claims a 95% success rate with her procedure, and if the first visit does not work…she will give you a higher dosed treatment for free.

Also…I like the cig sig Idea!

Crazy stuff. Keep going!

1.5 packs/day x 7 days/week x 52 weeks/year x 5 bucks/pack = 2700 more dollars that you can spend on your car.

Plus didn’t you just get married? Smoking will kill you blah blah blah you’vehearditamilliontimesbefore and do you really want her to be widowed some day because of those fucking things?

1st I’ll say congrats on quitting, it really is a hard thing to do and I dont want this post to sound like a knock or that Im calling you a wuss for getting help.

I tentatively call BS on laser treatment. It sounds like if they slapped you in the back of the head 5 times every 10 minutes for an hour it would help also.

Any statistics on this vs. some other treatment, I mean do they try to sell you this?
The only reason I question it is becuase I smoked a little more than a pack a day for about 5 years, like half a pack a day for 4 years before that and I quit w/o anything but altoids and free will.


1st I’ll say congrats on quitting, it really is a hard thing to do and I dont want this post to sound like a knock or that Im calling you a wuss for getting help.

I tentatively call BS on laser treatment. It sounds like if they slapped you in the back of the head 5 times every 10 minutes for an hour it would help also.

Any statistics on this vs. some other treatment, I mean do they try to sell you this?
The only reason I question it is becuase I smoked a little more than a pack a day for about 5 years, like half a pack a day for 4 years before that and I quit w/o anything but altoids and free will.


I don’t mind what you say, no offense taken…it’s an opinion. :tup: and thanks for the congrats! I personally said the same thing untill I talked to many-many people with great results. So I said what the hell, and here I am…not smoking.

Best $175 I spent, hocus pocus or not. As I said, the cravings are far easier to overcome. Even easier than when I was using the patch and other crap like that.

Edit: I expect to see haters. Flame away!

Glad to see this from you bro. Keep it up.

P.S. Don’t you still owe me 15 from when you needed gas and cigs.

First I want to say :tup: for choosing to quit. If you stay smoke free awesome, good for you.

Second I am a smoker, have been for many years. I will say I believe 99% of being successful in quiting is actually wanting to quit. People who tried and started back up never wanted to quit in the first place.


1st I’ll say congrats on quitting, it really is a hard thing to do and I dont want this post to sound like a knock or that Im calling you a wuss for getting help.

I tentatively call BS on laser treatment. It sounds like if they slapped you in the back of the head 5 times every 10 minutes for an hour it would help also.

Any statistics on this vs. some other treatment, I mean do they try to sell you this?
The only reason I question it is becuase I smoked a little more than a pack a day for about 5 years, like half a pack a day for 4 years before that and I quit w/o anything but altoids and free will.


I’m skeptical too and wouldn’t consider Eastern medicine like accupressure (or acculaser as the case may be) as a replacement for scientifically proven western medicine. However there’s so much shit that we don’t understand about the way the body works that I wouldn’t necessarily count it out either.