Qutting the Cancer Sticks

So, in recent light of NYS deciding to balance out their deficit by adding a ridiculous amount of tax to tobacco AGAIN, I decided to quit smoking… This time I want to, mainly because it will help me physically, and give me an extra ~$300 a month to play with.

How many people here are smokers? Have you tried to quit before? Are you thinking about it now that smokes are just shy of $10 a pack?

I’ve been smoking since I was 13, not proud of it… Did it by choice, I enjoy smoking, I’m aware of what it does to your body, but its somethign that I’ve enjoyed over the years since I started, most people don’t understand it unless you are a smoker.

I’ve “quit” a few times during the past 7-8 years, sometimes only for a few days, another time for months. It is a nasty habbit and well nicotine is extremely addictive, my body tells me I need to smoke, its kinda sick when you sit back and really think about it.

Regardless, smokes being almost 10 a pack everyone in my house decided it’s time to quit, this will be day 3, I have lapsed and had a couple smokes within this time but I’m doing pretty good, my old man bought some nicorette lozengers and well they’re a big help, take away the craving for an acctual smoke, and the fact that no one else is smoking arouind me really helps…

If anyone else is quitting, I wish you the best of luck, it truely is a pain right in the ass.

Man I could really go for a nice, smooth cig right now.

The feel of the nicotine on my lips and gums, that icy numbing feeling in my throat as I take drag after drag of the delicious smoke. The slightly heavier smoky air exiting my mouth in voluptuous curls. And knowing there’s another 19 in a pack in my pocket, just knowing that keeps me sane.

Man, I love cigs sooo much.

I decided to quit too. Ive smoked for 10 years now and never tried to quit. But I’m ready to stop and get healthy again. I called 1800 nys quits and got some free patches sent to me. They should be here next week and I will start. Looking forward to saving money and starting to run again.

:rofl @ Benny



Yea, over the past few months I’ve been much more active, taking lots of walks with my fiancee, bringing the dog with us, going out and acctualy doing shit rather than sitting around on my ass, eating “healthier” drinking more water, tea than coffe/soda

Went up to Jay, NY to the Covered Bridge/Rapids and hung out there all day…

Been feelin gmuch better, would like to get back to the gym but its very hard for me time wise

Originally Posted by bennyfizzle
Man I could really go for a nice, smooth cig right now.

The feel of the tip on my lips and gums, that icy numbing feeling in my throat as I take load after load of the delicious semen. The slightly heavier sticky goo exiting my mouth in voluptuous globs. And knowing there’s another 19 in a back room at Water Works, just knowing that keeps me sane.

Man, I love wangs sooo much.

I came


good lawd

:rofl awesome!!

I’m done to buddy…fuckin sucks right now :lol

I was smoking almost a pack a day tomorrow will be two weeks of not smoking for me. The first three days suck bad. Once you’re past that its noticeably easier not to. For example I was able to read bennies post without wanting a smoke after. If it was the first couple days of quitting that woulda thrown me into a nic fit. After almost two weeks I’m finally starting to get used to doing things that I would always have a cig while doing. The car was a tough one for me so I bought a giant bag of jolly ranchers to keep in the car to suck on when I want a cig. Also breaks at work were hard too, so I brought in books and magazines to read on break.

No cigs, just this on occasion:


I got a coworker ciggs during my run to Vermont. I think he said 2 cartons here run him $165ish vs the $113 it was in vt

I smoke about a pack in 4 days…

I may quit now that its $10 a pack

Smoke free for 22 years FTW!

Once you get past the part where you literally hack up pure brown nasty smelling crap from your lung, and you start working out maybe and realize your getting stamina back you won’t wanna smoke again. Make sure you carry breath mints cuz your breath with STINK everytime you hack up the tar from your lungs…

Well Worth the quit for the moola plus you’ll feel WAY better. I always felt stuffed up, and never felt 100 percent till I stopped. Gotta go cold turkey for a while.

im smokin almost 3 packs a day . i need to quit i tried i failed it sucks . in fact im havin 1 in a min

I know man, IDK how the fuck you afford it :lol

10 grand a year is a house 100k mortgage lol

WOW you’re old dude. 20 years tabacky-free here.