Qutting the Cancer Sticks

Damn 3 packs!

Wednesday I decided to quit, I had 3-4 smokes that day…

Yesterday I had none with the help of the nicorette…

going for day 3 without any and trying my best not to use the nicorette

keep it up man! Once you go about 72 hrs without putting any nicotine in your system it gets a lot easier.

yeah 3 packs or so . i always have a cig in my mouth man lolol . its fuckin sick man i hate it

Will power. Git some.

i tried but its my co-workers that bought em for me lolol . im a asshole if i dont smoke . i shake throw shit and randomely flip out

Go shoot some heroin, tell me how your will powers doing then :thumbup

lolol i quit that yrs ago . they have a great drug that helps that

John how about trying cigars? They last longer and might be a cheaper alternative, unless you buy the expensive ones.
Ive got a few in my truck that Id give you.

+1 for cigars. that’s how I did it. Smoked for 10 yrs. started smoking cigars instead for a while until it became just an occasional habit. haven’t had a cig in almost a yr. when I really need something I’ll grab a cigar but It’s not nearly as addictive as the shit they put in the cigs… I’ve had 2 in my car for the past month, I can look at them and not crave it.

I’ve tried to quit multiple times… always fail allergic to patches and gums, can’t do it on my own (not enough will power), no “want” to quit until they hit $10 a pack…

this time I’m using the “e cig” it’s called the Volcano cig. Electronic cig that gives the nicotine but not the chemicals… good shit for the times when I’m about to rip someone’s head off for a damn cig LOL!! yummy flavors too! Puffing away never felt so “clean” LOL

My personal advice, man up and deal with the cravings, sickness and pain and get through it. You have to remember, its not something that is going to kill you if you stop. Imo, its more mental than anything(as is a good majority of things), and you have to commit to it and wrap your head around it.

Werd, i never used anything I just made up my mind.