You know they can actually listen in on you in your car through onstar? It’s not moral, or legal probably. But hey they could.
MikeRi23049 works at Paddock, no? What the was the CEL?
$1 says mom didnt tighten the gascap.
:gm: :lol:
yes i work at paddock, and i have to take the truck in with me when i go to work friday, which means my mom has to drive my GTO (not to thrilled about that idea). the code was for some coolant speed fan or something like that? they said it was ok to drive (which i just did…though about 3.5 feet of unplowed snow in my neighbors driveway) and the light didnt come on but i prob didnt have it running long enough for everything to get going.
What’s more fun is doing 100mph + in a rental with OnStar, then calling Onstar, asking for directions and them constantly giving you wrong ones because “Sir, you’re driving to fast for us to accurately give you directions”.
What’s more fun is doing 100mph + in a rental with OnStar, then calling Onstar, asking for directions and them constantly giving you wrong ones because “Sir, you’re driving to fast for us to accurately give you directions”.
i just saw a commercial on TV where a guy is driving a car and the integrated GPS is giving him directions, and it says “turn right” or something to that effect and then they show the car plowing right into a store and as the car is sitting IN the store all messed up the GPS is still giving directions. made me thing of this lol
Bump because MPD47’s OnStar stories are hilarious…
… And for some “terms of service” changes:
The changes were caught by several eagle-eyed subscribers who received notice of an updated terms of service from OnStar last week. OnStar has always been able to track a subscriber’s location, among other things, with its built-in GPS chip in case of emergency, but the new terms of service spell out that OnStar will keep logging data about a vehicle even if the subscriber cancels service or sells the car. The only way to kill the data link is by specifically telling OnStar to shut it off.
The other change that’s causing concern was OnStar’s admission that for the first time, it would consider selling GPS data about its customers to marketers or other businesses, with no prior approval of OnStar subscribers.
Great bump. Not that I give a shit about OnStar’s ToS but because I never saw this v
And that’s hilarious. :tup:
it would consider selling GPS data about its customers to marketers or other businesses, with no prior approval of OnStar subscribers.
pull the fuse for onstar? I have a problem with that part of it.
I know statefarm has an onstar discount where you get a discount for having it but also agree to let them share data.
One of my coworkers signed up for it and the week after he went over 12k miles in a year they sent him a bill for not qualifying for the low mileage discount.
eggs zachary!
… And now they’ve reversed their new policy;
General Motors Co. (GM)’s OnStar vehicle navigation service said it won’t collect data on the driving habits of customers who cancel their subscriptions, reversing a policy shift that drew protests from three U.S. senators.