Ooh shiny!

eh, no keyboard ftl

i’ll keep my apache thanks

oh and verizon ftl also, unlimted data on sprint is less than your 10mb plan lulz

lol, pay to play guy.

you pay more with vzw, yea. everyone knows that. you also get a lot more in terms of customer support and coverage. Sprint is fighting a losing battle just to stay in business.

to some people, price is king. To others, they want to get something to go along with what they are paying for.

Sprint is great at giving away the farm…but it doesnt seem to be working.


I’m waiting to see their Q1 reports…

Trying to sort this out… these are the two data plan types now:

SOOOO looks like tethering is included in the $45 data plan now?? which it was NOT before, and the $29.99 plan does email & web. It is tricky though, because the specifically say cannot be used for blackberry, goodmail etc, they also specifically say it is for POP and IMAP, HOWEVER no mention of Exchange Active sync being allowed or not allowed.

I might have to call and figure this out, I never tether my phone.

UPDATE, just called and got mine reduced. I am using exchange active sync, and it basically sounds like they are not allowing it for BUSINESS use.

I was kind of elusive in the way i asked for it, I said it was personal use, which in reality it is despite the fact I am using exchange active sync.

I noted that i saw it does not include tethering, and you can’t use a blackberry server or goodmail etc… but I asked specificaly but I can use it for a “Microsoft server” and she said that is fine and reduced my cost.

Soooo not 100% comfortable on saying explicitly it was used for active sync, but whatever, if you say exactly what I said you should get the cheaper plan - just don’t tether it :tup:

UPDATE 2: my co-worker just called and asked why they were doing this, they said they plan on rolling this out to blackberries and treos as well soon, so it is not a matter if using it for business or whatever, they just aren’t supporting all phones yet. So sounds like MS Active Sync is fine, BES will soon be fine, they are just trying this out (probably to see if they are going to lose their shirts on it)

29.99 is unlimited usage though?

yes - basically just no tethering, they are the same as sprint now i think…

VZW’s data plan was fucking ridiculous, this is long overdue.

blackberrys have had $29.99 plan for awhile.

these $30 plans are geared for consumers. They wont allow connecting to a BES or corporate server.

I guess I’ll have to call back. The guy I was talking to yesterday sounded a little slow so maybe…

I just got my touch last week… i hate not having a keyboard like on my mogul, however… it is nice to have a phone that works as a phone :slight_smile: