Jeep is going up. When flipping through some Jeep catalogs, i saw that SkyJacker makes a 2" coil spacer kit with nitro shocks for $263. I ended up getting that for less than half of that price through my work
also picked up a set of slightly used Interco TSL Radials (size 32"x10.5"x15" rim) for a VERY reasonable price:

i can use my stock rims, but I will probably get different ones and leave the stock 15s on the pizza cutters i have for winter. I think there were some cheap off-road rims that I have heard of before…might have been called Rock Crawlers or something like that? anyone heard of these/know where to get them off hand?
I know i said i wasn’t going to mod the daily, but if i use my stock rims, this whole thing will set me back under $250. if I buy nice rims, I’ll still be under $400 or so. so im not really breaking the bank either way. besides getting a soft top for the summer, this will be the extent of modding the Jeep will receive.
do your thing mike… b/c you will not do what makes cents… haha
Congrats on just doing it and not making a poll :tup: 
dont get me wrong, no way in hell I would spend hundreds and thousands of dollars to lift it and whatnot. Looking through the Quadratec catalog, i could see how someone could get really carried away really easy with a Jeep, but for a couple hundred bucks, and something a little different, im cool with it. if i wasnt able to get the spacer kit and the tires for the prices i did, i wouldnt have gone out of my way for it. just one of those things that came along at the right time i guess
lol search for u.s. wheels 84 series. cheap, and great for off road.
i will check those out :tup: maybe I can get them through my work also.
only real pic i have of it…taken from the dealer’s website before i got it. but i havent changed anything since i got it, so it still looks the same

very nice… it seems like everyone is buying them… it could just be that i am noticing them now though too.
i see a lot of 07-08 models. i also see about 5 everyday that look identical to mine haha.
i have also noticed that wrangler owners wave to each other on the road? a couple days after i got it, i started noticing that everytime i drive by another wrangler, the people waved at me…guess thats a thing they do so now i always wave too. the girls that drive them dont do the whole wave thing though, i’ve noticed that haha
its the jeep wave. been goin since WWII
I thought coil spacers were no good? Anyone car to chim in on the subject.
American Racing Soft 8’s, 15x8, 4"BS Can be purchased for like 40 bucks. Man I wish I could find a set of good used 32 or 33’s
you dont gain anything out of them suspension wise. just makes room for bigger tires.
yeah, pretty much. some people have been telling me that there may be a drivetrain vibration around 35-40 mph, but apparently it doesnt happen on all jeeps and no one can really explain why (literally if u took 5 identical jeeps and put this one it, some would have it and some wouldnt). if it happens, theres an easy and cheap fix for it though. im not looking to make a hardcore off road machine out of it, just a little something extra, so i think for my needs/wants the spacer kit will sufice.
well lifting your suspension changes the drive shaft angle sometimes causing vibration, typically on deceleration. not something super serious but youre gonna blow through u-joints a lot quicker. if the lift is small enough you can correct the angle with a transfer case drop kit. i have a brand new one but it was for my 95, not sure if its universal. if it is, you can have it pretty cheap.