OOOOO Shiny!

I agree with everything you said. Without seeing the car, the labor guess was pissing in the dark! I usually over commit anyways, so I am sure it would take me way longer for the first one! lol no doubt! I saw you said it was a freebie test piece, thats why I never attacked you for “spending the money”… I noticed :slight_smile:

No plasma or water jet. But I have connections… for both. I have 3 plasma to play with cut everything from razorblade cuts in sheet metal to 1-1/2" thick. But its all by hand. which blows. Next purchase for the shop will be a mill and some basic tooling so I can learn/teach myself how to crash expensive bits in metal chunks, I mean make some cool shit! haha CNC is just outta my non existent budget atm!

No biggie, I dont get my diapers dirty over stuff here. No offense taken, and I hope none given.

Hopefully I will soon be putting my money where my mouth is on just what you said. I just need a guinea pig car/customer to start with. exactly like you said for the jeep thing. A few years ago I bought a new Jeep liberty, soccer mom suv. Modded a lift kit and made some one off parts for it. Wheeled it at around here and Paragon (until they closed), posted it on the fourms and people liked it, sold a few things that way. Everyone laughed when i said I was making a lift kit for a Jeep Liberty… until it actually was done and twisting up trails, right along side TJ’s with BDS kits and what not. Def hear you on that too man.