OOOOO Shiny!

It’s not even worth arguing with a retarded scumbag like mcclaren.

His turbo grand prix blew up and he’s trying to give us advice on what to buy. This kid makes Joe dirt look normal.

yeah i dont agree with that part either man. Just because someone cant tig or doesn’t have the money invested in the tooling required to make a $200 part, doesn’t mean they dont have the skills or knowledge, it might just mean they dont have the resources. I figured that out the hard way, I have a 2006 hemi C’s worth of tools to my name, just to make a few hundred dollar parts here and there. :banghead different strokes I guess.

sbardy wow you’re a dip shit

I’m a easy guy to get along with but your stupid posts lead me to believe your a piece of shit.

Your trying to tell a guy whos worked on more mopars than you’ve seen in your life that he’s a idiot because he didn’t make his intakes… Come on dude, go fab some ghetto ass parts for your grand prix and blow it up again.

Ps. How are those eBay wastegates? They at your 500k dollar house yet?

no defending anyone buuutttt 10secC did the same thing to me, twice in this post. calling my bluff that I dont know what I am talking about because he thought I dont actually do work. Same thing Mclearn did saying that 300C guy doesnt have a clue.

thats why i try not to call peoples bluffs on here, unless I know them and they ARE full of shit. lol

where the hell did i say he was an idiot? Dont put words in my mouth, i was just suggesting there are fabricators everywhere, i dont want to hear whining about no one makes parts.

Its all custom you stupid shit. You really are a fucking idiot ike.

Thanks…I think…lol. Anyway…I agree with you that it can be made for much less than he sells them. I also didn’t pay a dime for this one. And as well as it flows I most likely wouldn’t have ponied up the coin for it if I had to pay for it. That being said. It isn’t as easy as it appears from the pics…well let me rephrase that. You would most likely spend a couple of days test fitting crap on the first one till it all fit right, then tig it together,smooth the welds,smooth the inside,powder coat…blah,blah,blah…right? Then when it’s all said and done you have to make the jig so you can replicate efficiently. Also the plates that isolate the filters from the engine heat have to be cut. Not sure if you have a water jet or plasma table…anyway…you will have some time in it why not make some money on the back end if people are willing to pay? We are dealing with guys that have already dumped $40k in the rest of the car, and if they wanna dump the cash what the hell? There are cheaper options…no one is twisting their arms. Whats really f’d up is we wouldn’t have even been having this conversation if someone hadn’t mentioned the price of this thing…someone remind me to smack that person in the head when I see them.

You could easily make alot of money fabbing parts for mopars, that’s a no brainer(people know you know your shit). The thing is you actually have to do it and not talk about it. It should be illegal to charge 400 for a simple intake, but like you said it’s supply and demand.

My buddy who makes springs, intakes, etc. For jeeps makes money because he is in business to. He doesn’t feel bad about charging alot of money when people will pay. Hence the reason why he lives in million+ dollar house and has about 6 cars.

Actually I worded mine wrong…I wasn’t trying to call a bluff of you not making an intake…I should have worded it to say on a Hemi…but whatever…I think we are on the same page.

I agree with everything you said. Without seeing the car, the labor guess was pissing in the dark! I usually over commit anyways, so I am sure it would take me way longer for the first one! lol no doubt! I saw you said it was a freebie test piece, thats why I never attacked you for “spending the money”… I noticed :slight_smile:

No plasma or water jet. But I have connections… for both. I have 3 plasma to play with cut everything from razorblade cuts in sheet metal to 1-1/2" thick. But its all by hand. which blows. Next purchase for the shop will be a mill and some basic tooling so I can learn/teach myself how to crash expensive bits in metal chunks, I mean make some cool shit! haha CNC is just outta my non existent budget atm!

No biggie, I dont get my diapers dirty over stuff here. No offense taken, and I hope none given.

Hopefully I will soon be putting my money where my mouth is on just what you said. I just need a guinea pig car/customer to start with. exactly like you said for the jeep thing. A few years ago I bought a new Jeep liberty, soccer mom suv. Modded a lift kit and made some one off parts for it. Wheeled it at around here and Paragon (until they closed), posted it on the fourms and people liked it, sold a few things that way. Everyone laughed when i said I was making a lift kit for a Jeep Liberty… until it actually was done and twisting up trails, right along side TJ’s with BDS kits and what not. Def hear you on that too man.

10secondC, let me know if you want this shit cut out of your thread.

Nah…it can stay. I’m not gonna cry on it…we are all on the same page now. Sometimes shit gets mis communicated.

well everyones wasting time buying and making big $ intakes,ill be in my tin cat shed, with no doors on it making my own turbos, blowers, pistons, 1 cam shaft and new style drag radials…fuck it i may even make a prototype c8 corvette for GM after im done with those other parts.

that intake is sweet. everyone shut up esp mick clair ann

we alllll buy dumb overpiced shit . were in the car hobby , guess what this hobby is a huge waste of money and who fuckin cares who buys what and who makes or overchrages what . if he is ok with buying it for what he paid let em . untill he gets a redline tune im not busting his old balls


i knew someone would catch that lol

I dont buy any over priced shit you mongoloid

cause u mooch everyone elses rides

No because I am not a retard like you. And I drive my dads truck cause I hate my civic