Does anybody know what the “hockey skills” at pepsi is all about? Or know of any during the day skates for that week? I’m off from work and want to get as much ice as I can…
My buddy has an a skate with his hockey team… IDK if they just scrimmage or what not… its Saturday nights…
I’ll ask him… as he is sleeping on my couch lol
I’ve wanted to attend a few times… but… never got the chance to
buff state
but i called and they said they had 4-6 every day this week. 878-4198
last nights skate was kind of fun, 4 on 4 tons of room. it was just what I needed, so I had some time to get my bearings back. I still feel so awkward playing. Can’t wait to play net!
I have to go to pepsi tomorrow for work from 10-12:30, we’re doing photos/videos for the website but I’m gonna try and play net at Buff State at 4 as long as it’s going on
Who has Sunday night skates??