Hockey; I need icetime! it's summer

My wednesday night skates (10:30pm at north buff on tacoma) are still going on.

but my team is over. (new one doesnt start for a month or so)
my monday skate is over.
buff state is over, they melt their ice down next week.

I need icetime. I can only make it to pepsi once in a while, I’m usually working. anyone know of any other skates?

and if anyone is thinking about picking up ice somewhere, i have like 20 friends in the same predicament as I am.

I’m going to the Pepsi Center today at noon. Is your Wednesday night a private thing or can anyone come? I’m looking to get some more ice time. If its open to anyone PM me some info/directions/cost. Thanks.


the wednesday skate is posted up here!

AS soon as my knee heals up, i am coming back out to wednesday ice time… im soo pissed i f’d it up

still want ice!

where i work at Niagara University the Dywer center always has open ice times