Operating systems question...

I’m about to buy Windows 7 Professional. Vista has been getting on my nerves lately and I really want to upgrade to something much more stable. Problem is I have two PCs. I’m not going to buy two copies. Can I use the key for both PCs?

And yes, I am buying a legit copy of it. I’m not one to get ‘bootleg’ versions of damn near anything, it’s mostly for piece of mind for me.

Unless they changed it you can, i run a copy of xp pro on multiple comps.

My roomate was unable to do it. He just downloaded a key generator on his desktop and has the legit version on his notebook. BTW i have 7 pro on my notebook and i absolutely love it.

Yes you can do it. My dads W7 started on his computer (real deal cd not a bootleg) Then my sister switched then i switched, all on the same disk. Havent had any notification telling me somethings wrong.

Now mind you he bought the Family pack license with is in essence the multiple computer version you want. Good upto 3 computers.

Steer clear of the single license copy. Just like it says its for a SINGLE computer. Shit WILL hit the fan when the computer after the first one gets it.

Both versions support 32/64 Bit

Hope this helps. :thumbup

As jeff said if you just buy a single copy it will not work, you may be able to install and activate if both are not on at the same time but eventualy one will give out.

Buy an upgrade license coss, much cheaper and you can do a minty fresh install with it, microsoft just doesnt like you to know this.

You put the CD in the PC, boot from the CD, install it like your normaly would but dont put the CD Key in when prompted… When the install is finished and windows boots up you just activate it then and it works. Did it on my laptop at home which i was given an upgrade CD with.

For half the cost id get the upgrade

Yup as said above… Family pack BRO.

Just a word to the wise there is still a lot of crap that isn’t compatible with windows 7 yet. I know when we switched over here at my work our router was not compatible in anyway. When we went to buy a new one we had a pretty hard time finding one that actually said it was fully compatible. The biggest issue seems to be some issue with IPV6 stuff

Acctualy that statement is the other way around

Very little is not compatible with 7. At work we havent had a single issue on any machine we’ve migrated. Machines we could migrate to vista due to software isses we now can migrate to 7 and work flawlessly. Personal experiance with it, I’ve loaded it on low end machines/high end machines… Shit with old ass hardware. Used weird ass programs that havent been updated since Windows XP was released etc… Not a single issue where as vista hated life

And a run of the mill officemax router or something like a cisco?

IPV6 shoudlent matter anyways as IPV4 is still the dominant protocol

I love Win 7 so far…

Win 7 FTW! Like i’ve been saying for like the past 6 months…

Only thing that hasnt worked on my computer yet, is battlefield 1942. but i took that shit off and COD MW2 is going on when i get it :wootsmiley!!