opinions on eyelids

i really like the stock look of my car… but i also love the look of the eyelids on the car let me know what you think… cant decide if i want to pick these up or not…
my car
pic of the s style eyelids
thanks for ne advice

the eyelids look mean as fuck.

Stay stock,the eyelids look quite off for those cars. Just tint your headlights or get black housing headlights and or retrofit some projectors and get some hids.

I hate eyelids, make’s the car look cheesey

The bugeye wrx has the same issue with the headlights looking a little funny. I like the way the eyelids look on mine, but it’s not for everyone. And those look a little off to me.

:tdown:, always.

Those ones look goofy. But it could possibly done right.

I like it

the eyelids look like somebody showed the car a mirror and it realized it’s a neon and it got pissed off.

i kid… get them, they’re evil.

Makes it look like it is in the movie CARS

they look cool as fuck!

I like it on the red one, but not yellow lol

evil as hell. I love it…

make sure you do them right they can look really really bad

lol totally agree…

however it looks better than stock imo

It’s a neon, what do you have to lose?

i usually hate them, but in this case i think they look way better than the stock lights

ugh, i’m on the fence for all the right reasons as well

Not to bad id say do it


They actually don’t look that bad.

They look horrible on the yellow car, but alright on the red.