Optimizing MySQL

Anyone have any good tips or resources on optimizing MySQL. Most of the articles I’ve read are for servers running 1GB of RAM or less. I’m trying to come up with different configuration files for servers running any where from 512MB RAM to >10GB of RAM. I’ve installed mytop and mtop but have yet to really play around with them and to be honest I’ve never really done anything with MySQL until I started working for this small (<10 employees) software company less than 2 months ago. Any help would be much appreciated.

Theres a shit load you can do with the MySQL configuration…Changing the storage engine/clustering.

I’m looking for how to know what kind of values I should be using.

Size of databases, concurrent connections…

That’s the thing, the db’s range from just over 1GB to 20MB, so I’m trying to put together different configuration files for those and some decent mediums. Connections range from 2 to ~300.