Orange Vette, new chicks, tuna and b0000bies (split)


This is dumb as FUCK


haters need not read… see the title?? shits my thread so if I wanna talk about boobs, cumshots, or what have you I will… go make ur own thread.


Okay, boss

Im fucking around… but get serious!

wanna see my cock?


um yesss

not for you fagboy, only the wimminz in this thread :lol


jokes on you if you post it i see it!

or I could private message it :shifty

fine be that way

Will show my dick to any new ladiez willing to put it in their mouth.

Or ass.

Here’s a painting of my cock:

What in the hell…

Get a job

Since when is working 60hrs a week+ not having a job?? :lol