Orange Vette, new chicks, tuna and b0000bies (split)


you like it

I think he was saying he didnt due to a lack of pictures in this thread

he doesnt need pictures. he’s seen it all up close and personal :wink:

Ill take some tonight, gosh. Didnt know u wanted to see me nakedd so bad u coulda jus asked sillyyy.

Said it was not good enough. He wants to flaunt his arm candy




Ive already seen you naked

PsI will pay for sbardys nutz.

I get them for free so stop being jealous bitch tits

I will slap the tAste of sbardys cum right outta that whorish mouth of yours.

I made it.

Don’t make me push you over again

Try to push him over, I’ll end your life.

O yea i met u in waterworkz bathroom, we both got naked and tried to dock, fucked the whole night up when we discovered neither of us had a foreskin :smiley:

You know damn well Im not tall enough to push him over. Fucking bully

you’re sick