Orange Vette, new chicks, tuna and b0000bies (split)


19 Sammie y.o. from Schenectady, second time registered member :ninja


facebook link to pics?

looked like schen. typing from a mile away

Im second time registered too, suck it vladdy! Pretty sure my other account was perm. Deleted tho LOL

Yeah I think someone rage deleted it :crackup

Seems you’re doing better this time 'round :lol

LOL. oh and im from schenectady… can’t you tell by my typing? :dunno


pics of whattt?

I think he means pics of sweaty and ready status.

Lettuce be cereals. Post some pics of yourself so we can tell if we want to clap dem cheekz or not.

hahaha you guys are too funny. but this is a car forum, not a hot girl forum… right? :*

Kbizzz and Kjugz in here naow!

Didnt even need to open link i already knew :rofl

Schenectady > Albany

They go up to 315 plus. Look at nt555r and nt05r.

dont even know what to say to that

Saw that c5 z on central and Wolfe road yesterday. Guy surely can “rev” the shit outta that thing. Seen the car on a mild launch and it looks slow as shit. I’d run with him in my honda:lol