Orangess & Whitey

awesome BBQ you guys put together…i am sure i am speaking for everyone

great effort guys, we all had a great time like anyhting we do involving PittSpeed :slight_smile:

great weather… awsome location…

even though i took sonny’s advice and drove around the park 20 times till i spotted the orange ss… thank god that car was there! stuck out like a sore thumb!

yes indeed it was :cool:



:sadwavey: sad I missed it… f’ed myself up in a softball game friday nite, And haven’t gotten any better. I think I’ll be headin to the hospital this week :sadwavey:

wow ,sorry to here that!

BBQ - :bigok:

it was great!

i think we should get one more before winter!
say october!!!

it was fun. i’m glad i got to meet alot of ppl on the board that i had never met. good job guys, it was :cool:

I’m glad to be able to put a lot of faces to the names finally. I had fun and was bummed that I had to leave early. Definitly :cool:

yah i would say it was a great success… just wanted to thank everyone for coming out and help make it great! It was definitely a fun time, even the gf enjoyed herself!

nice time guys… sorry i left early to work on some stupid vw… :slight_smile: we’ll have to do it again sometime soon