Osama Bin Laden is Dead!

Killed yesterday by a bullet :slight_smile:

CNN originaly said that he was killed last week, but obama said as of last week he gave it the green light and it was carried out yesterday morning or some shit.

I personally wanted to watch him hang on live tv… :cry:

Which war?

War on terrorism. what rock have you been living under. I guess i can sell all my guns now as its now impossible for the packy mart across the street to be harboring him in their basement.

You can’t be serious.

Yeah I posted that last night and that was the speculation. I’m glad it was a bullet and not a bomb. I wish we would’ve taken him alive though then he could’ve went on a grand U.S. cities tour where each citizen would be allowed to piss on him.

wtf is this bull shit?

Usama bin Laden-Dead Body Pictures are Fake CAUTION Graphic Photos

May 2, 2011 — newsnet7
“Unconfirmed” photo of Usama/Osama Bin Ladens body.
NOTE: These photos are NOT the real photos of bin Ladens death.
The real photos have not yet been released. These photos are circulating now, but Defense Dept. says they are old edited photos that have been around for a while. We are trying to find the real photos for you now. Follow our twitter to get the photos as soon as we do - @newsnet7 - http://twitter.com/newsnet7
http://newsnet7.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/osama_bin_laden_dead0001_66.jpg?w=197&h=263usama osama bin laden dead photo
Rick Shell: Reporting Live – Osama or Usama bin Laden has been killed. US sources including the president, have confirmed the death of the top al-Qaeda leader, saying he has been killed in firefight following a US Navy Seals raid in Abbottabad.
The operation to kill bin Laden was launched earlier Sunday in Pakistan’s Abbottabad, a two-hour drive north of the capital Islamabad.
Bin Laden was killed in a firefight. No Americans were harmed.
US Navy Seals attacked the 3 story home where Bin Laden was in hiding. The Seals rappelled from Chinook and Blackhawk helicopters. A large firefight ensued.
The home was 8 x larger than others in area, built in 2005 in a largely unpopulated area that had since grown around the home.
The home was surrounded by 2 security fences and barbed wire.
2 brothers who worked for bin Laden reportedly lived in the home and were also killed.
Latest reports indicate that Bin Laden’s son was also killed. Other dead include the two brothers and one woman that may have been used as a bullet shield. . Apparently there were many people at the residence. U.S. forces took custody of bin Laden’s body and it was later buried at sea in keeping with Islamic tradition which calls for a body to be buried within 24 hours in most cases.
There are also reports that two of bin Laden’s wives and four of his children were also captured during the operation. No confirmation yet on these reports.
US authorities received intelligence last September and were able to track bin Laden down through his couriers. They followed them to the compound and after weeks of surveillance, Navy Seals attacked.
DNA testing was conducted as well as facial recognition techniques to help formally identify him.
Oil and Silver have taken a dive and the US dollar has soared. It will be interesting to see the reaction of Wall Street in the next few hours.
In addition to 9/11 ( September 11, 2001) bin Laden has also been linked to a string of attacks including the 1998 bombings of American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and the 2000 bombing of the warship USS Cole in Yemen. More Indepth Updates forthcoming.
Rick Shell -
Here is a little higher res version. Still seeking photos of battle and other casualties including Osama bin Ladens Son

That’s the umbrella weasel word. That arbitrary “war” doesn’t concern me as they can claim victory even now, although we occupy counties.

Quite serious.

We are involved in 4 different countries right now, so you have to be more specific.

I’m just so glad he’s nothing more than fish poop now.


They just threw him in the sea?

Yes. And had a confirmed DNA match within hours.

Im surprised they wouldn’t want to bring him back to the US and make a spectacle of his body or something.

Im sure it was a real formal burial at sea. awaits cell phone videos of dead body dragging behind us war ship.

There probably wasn’t much left.

Cmon…what war have we been in for 10+ years now mainly because of his actions.

I guess Waldo is still the word champion of Hide and Seek.

… he was shot in the head, not blown up by a cluster bomb

A guy can dream can’t he.

I guess

What would you like me to say, Captain America?

It was a joke. Everyones happy hes dead.