Osama Bin Laden is Dead!

wonder what next war will be. we have to make money right? war=money so guess whats next, never ending we spend money destroying then we spend money rebuilding wtf. help the people

another thing remember your first bad exp with a mechanic…you bring car in for rutine brake pads and oil change then he says sorry but i found you need 1000$ of work done your car is broken? imangine if our elected officals do this same thing create something so we must fix it. only way to fix is to spend money and use our people. world is hard to understand sometimes. and most wont see it. please vote for Ron Paul this man has ability to help america and he exposes all faults and coverups. remember watergate scandle it can happen again. and think of things the people didnt find like watergate. just think if you know everything ? you dont…someone could be hidding something from you inside govt. im not saying they do im just saying they could just like exposed watergate. never know…i do know i have declaration of independence to help me and the south but all these laws coming out of the blue to generate $$$$$$ for big wigs im not about that. and people making money off tax payers dollars im not about that. cutting activities for our future/kids while giving fatter checks to people who make 6 figures a year im not about that. we need better people in our govt not someone that has had family in govt. remember if you know more people it makes it easier to get the job??? same for elected officals. we have right to protect usa and declaration of independence so why dont we? fight for your future and fight for independence

i seem out of ordinary to most but what can i say im different. and i know gentically we are all 99.9% same but we only see the differences. white,black,yellow,red, male,female 99.9% same crazy

how can you pee on something that you cant see? only time i saw of or heard of osama was on media. not saying hes no real but pshhh never know

Are you seriously saying that if, you yourself have not seen something you have no basis for it’s validity?


pitman is a spam bot

I think life already permanently neg rep’d him.

Navy Seals, fuck yeah.

I bet we will see a movie out of this down the road.

I can definitely see a History Channel special on “Killing Bin Laden” within a year or so.


I’m just waiting for him to jump in on the cube logic thread and tell us we’re all crazy for not following that idiot.

Also it is important that we did finally kill the guy. He was a symbol for our enemies everywhere that somebody could inflict major damage to America and go on laughing about it and spewing their crap while we were unable to stop it. So either which way you look at it his death is a victory for the American people and sends a message to terrorist everywhere.

how do you know? do you see and hear everything? if so lmk

I find it hard to believe they disposed of his body already. It will be hard for alot of cultures to believe they killed Osama with out putting forth any actual evidence.


Its just highly improbable… don’t you think that if they were going to hoax it they would have done it a little sooner than ten years?

this is just more evidence that you look likes this…


how do you know hes dead? someone told you? hearsay? i want proof not something on t.v saying hes dead. and biggest threat to america is govt imo. yea they do some good but why would our founding fathers have so much bad to say about govt? free people is way better than someone controling.

How do you know he’s alive then? Or do you just like to argue?

idk i cant speak for others. im sure it was in their best interest to wait. longer we fight more money is made. pretty weak how world is ran

More money is made by whom? In case you didn’t realize our country is flat broke.

i dont know hes alive or i dont he dead. you see im just a observer. i wasnt there so how could i know? and btw dont believe eveything you see

Did you count Obamas votes? How do you know he won?

What did the forefathers you keep bringing up say about the gov’t? They hated the idea so much they established one?

If you wanted to see him dead in person, seems like you should have joined the military.

Free people live in huts in middle of Africa and hunt for a living. You’re using a computer with broadband access and national power supply. If you don’t like it, you know where to go.

funny you ask this. money is made by the people who own all the industrial buildings that help war, like guns,bombs,research agencies etc. somebody owns these profits when they sell them. easy to understand. if i have guns you need to buy them buy form me i make money? preschool education?