Other hobbys?

weightlifting (no comments Pewter!), volleyball, mountain biking, video games,

coloring, My Little Pony, Barbie :smiley:

Check out these guys:


I get all my supplies from them, they have it all at great prices. I just got one of their cheese making kitsā€¦going to try making some mozerellaā€¦

buy my great grandmaā€™s cook book then! i loved when they were writing it, as i got to eat bad ass foods. the wine making and cheese prosciutto is all covered, as are a ton of other dishes/specialties.

and on topic-- no time for hobbies although i consider cars a hobby despite working all day on them.

thats a nice setupā€¦my grandfather was real big into model trains, his whole basement was pretty much a giant layout.

i have like 20 or so still in the box un built H O scale engines and carsā€¦are these worth any money? Would you be interested? They are pretty old but not sure how old.

I am in N scale right now and starting to use my hobby money in the car for summer. You could post those on ebay and make some scratch depending on what make they are.

Do you use wooden barrels?

i got too many damn hobbies and Iā€™m trying to scale back.

trucks, dirt bikes, quads, hunting, fishing, rc cars, family, playing ps2 with the kids, any kind of competitive competition


trying to get hot girls to have sex with me and masturbating (when my other hobby isnt working out so well).

Whats your hobby when that backfires?

I tried putting some of my LGB G gauge under the tree, but the guy on the right likes to throw them across the room! :ugh2:

Heā€™s also the reason thereā€™s no ornaments on the tree! :dunno:

I spent a half an hour building this Geotrax layoutā€¦it will be destroyed in five minutesā€¦our family lives in fear of a fifteen month old, gotta love it. :grouphug:


I have to much money tied into this POS:
I still want to strip down the wrap thats on it and paint it and put new lugs/hardware on it. But I dont have time. I would kill for a DW at this point, but I would never let it leave my house.

i also am into the model train thing, 0-gauge, pre-war tinplatesā€¦ mostly from the 30ā€™s and suchā€¦

iā€™m not on my regular computer, soo i dont have many picsā€¦, but heres a random one i found of themā€¦ i recently took them all down and redid and expanded the whole thing and got afew more sets and tracks running

Are you the marx guy on the-gauge.com? I think I have seen some of your pics :slight_smile:

Flying, Playing Piano, NHL2k6, and depending on the seasonā€¦hockey, golf, tennis, basketball

surpised that nobody said :wackit:

hell yes :slight_smile:

i used to use my screen name cavlrz, but had an admin change it to Marxed

do you post often on the gauge? and whats your name?

did you happen to catch my derailment video yet?

Lol, the name is victorsmalls over there as well. Didnā€™t catch the video, but have seen pic of your work. More if just a lurker and trying to read up on things.

I donā€™t get the trainsā€¦they were cool when I was like 5 but my dad is still obsessive compulsive about em. I just donā€™t understand.