Our 44th President, Barack Hussein Obama

Obviously, you either didn’t take or didn’t pay attention in sociology class. Regardless, some of what you think/say/spew is also biased and racist, you aren’t in the public eye, so STFU. It’s all propaganda to get your point across. Based on your premise if your uncle had a vagina, would he still be your uncle? Enough with the if/then premises.

Stop being bitter already and just read over a couple of times what be-rad wrote…maybe it’ll sink in:

“With all the stubborn redneck republicans out there, sore after losing the election past one of the greatest failures of leadership in the history of the United States of America, they continue to defy the reality of the current state of the union. Not only was/is the administration corrupt, but blatant lies have tired the US citizens, black and white. Now the people have voted for change and they have a problem with it.
Now they’re all afraid of what will come. “Everybody buy guns” “Obama will get assassinated, just you wait.” “[random KFC joke]” Those people, you people are truly idiots if you think there is any direct correlation between a black president-elect and the end of our world power. I’m so sick of reading and hearing all this bullsheet. You’re a bunch of racists fawks that need to lighten up to the fact that he is different, he represents the country as whole, rich and poor, whatever skin tone. As long as he surrounds himself wth the right people, he will carry on like any other president.”