Our 44th President, Barack Hussein Obama

His first move as president will be to sign a bill increasing the amount of unemployment benefits, possibly removing income taxes on unemployment benefits, and increasing the amount of food stamps given out. I’m not joking about this in the least. The Dems already want to do it but Bush won’t sign it so they are gonna wait until Osama gets sworn in to get it through. IMO that idea sucks balls! Why would I want my tax $$$ to go to stimulate the spending of those who are too f***in lazy to work? if they wanna pass another stimulus package they should send $$$ back to the people who actually PAY the taxes!!!

I’ve read his tax plan. What you don’t realize is that when you raise the taxes on corporations that manufacture or sell goods and services they aren’t just going the eat the tax bill and say “aww f**k it I’ll just pay it cause it’s my fair share.” They’re gonna either jack up the price of the goods and services or lay people off. If they jack up the cost then there goes your increased tax rebate out the window to cover the extra $$$ the corporations are charging you. If he implements his tax plan this will be one of the most inflationary periods in history!

couldn’t agree more. I’m thinking they’ll put in a car pool lane to get there and en express lane through customs…

Another real issue is that nobody really knows what this man stands for. he was never really pushed to reveal them. Probably 80% of the people who voted for him simply voted for him because he wasn’t republican/George Bush…