Our 44th President, Barack Hussein Obama

Eh, just uptight because I’m concerned for the well being of my country - but it hasn’t set in that seemingly no matter what I do or say it will not be enough to overcome obamamania. As far as finding things not to like about him, I’ve got enough of those - now I need to find reasons to like him. So far, not so good.

I did vote, and although I did not vote for him - I wish President elect Obama the best of luck. He has 300 million Americans and countless illegals counting on him.

Higher taxes, higher inflation, more emissions regulations on our cars, skyrocketing electricity costs, higher unemployment rates, and a bunch of other BS i don’t have time to mention…

Ah… if you want the truth about Obama’s tax plan read this:


Not some Republican Hogwash.

Also read about more mis-information from the corrupt Republicans:

October 26 - “Spread the Tax Hooey!” - New GOP ads recycle old, debunked claims about Obama’s tax plan.

October 24 - “Right Change is Wrong” - A conservative group misleads voters mightily on Obama’s tax plans for small businesses

October 17 - “Obama’s Welfare” - McCain calls Obama’s refundable tax credits “welfare,” but calls his own “reform.”

September 18 - “There He Goes Again” - McCain ad misrepresents Obama’s tax plan. Again.

August 8 - “More Tax Deceptions” - McCain misrepresents Obama’s tax proposals again. And again, and again.

His first move as president will be to sign a bill increasing the amount of unemployment benefits, possibly removing income taxes on unemployment benefits, and increasing the amount of food stamps given out. I’m not joking about this in the least. The Dems already want to do it but Bush won’t sign it so they are gonna wait until Osama gets sworn in to get it through. IMO that idea sucks balls! Why would I want my tax $$$ to go to stimulate the spending of those who are too f***in lazy to work? if they wanna pass another stimulus package they should send $$$ back to the people who actually PAY the taxes!!!

I’ve read his tax plan. What you don’t realize is that when you raise the taxes on corporations that manufacture or sell goods and services they aren’t just going the eat the tax bill and say “aww f**k it I’ll just pay it cause it’s my fair share.” They’re gonna either jack up the price of the goods and services or lay people off. If they jack up the cost then there goes your increased tax rebate out the window to cover the extra $$$ the corporations are charging you. If he implements his tax plan this will be one of the most inflationary periods in history!

couldn’t agree more. I’m thinking they’ll put in a car pool lane to get there and en express lane through customs…

Another real issue is that nobody really knows what this man stands for. he was never really pushed to reveal them. Probably 80% of the people who voted for him simply voted for him because he wasn’t republican/George Bush…

the reality of how that will backfire on our economy & not only prevent growth, but help eliminate economic ‘climbing.’ Cut out the incentive to earn more & you cut out the growth. Plain and simple. His tax plan isn’t fair at all. The top 1% already pay 39.38% of all income tax, the top 5% already pay 59.67% (as of 2007). How is that “fair”?

[ame=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66z5TDrwPxM”]YouTube - Taxman In The Casino: The Truth About Taxes And Our Economy[/ame]

Roth 401K’s are after tax contributions…You fail! :bash:


Actually Clinton started this back in 96 (I believe it was 96 but I may be a year or two off) when he urged lenders to lend to “sub-prime” borrowers and urged Sally Mae and Freddie Mac to back these loans. Not to mention the economy was on the decline before Clinton even left office.

Sounds like another Muslim with influence in the white house

If they want my guns they’ll have to pry them outta my cold dead hands. And they may do that but not before I put a hollow point between a few of those ****ers eyes as they step onto my front porch…

I could care less about the color of his skin, but I do very much care about his views. So sue me, but from what I’ve heard on 104.7 fm, he sounds like he’s going to be a reaaaaal PITA for conservatives. I guess “they” are already trying to kick out Joe Liberman.

Also, Obama wants to appoint the greenest of the green liberals for the EPA (I forget his name, but that is his reputation). That is something that should concern everyone on this car forum. :idb:

as if the the pittsburgh area isn’t taxed enough. I pay more in taxes here than any other state i have lived in. I hope this president isn’t going to be the end of my wallet

insure your wallet

Well how about this bullshit scenario.

Back in 2006 my dad worked for a company called Union Switch & Signal in Pittsburgh. Times got rough and long story short he got layed off. He is a single father of myself and my sister who at the time was 15 years old. I had just started working full time to pay back my ridiculous amounts of school loans (just turned 20 years old), so naturally, as i still do to this day thanks to school, live at home with my father. My mom lives in Vancouver, British Columbia so she is obviously no where around and pays no child support.

However back to my point, he lost his job and applied for government health care FOR MY SISTER ONLY, being that she was so young. Needless to say he was DENIED even the slightest amount of health care for her, not a single dirty penny. The reasoning? Because i lived there and still held a full time job, guess my $400 a week was supposed to cover everything huh?

So now answer me this, hard working americans get PENALIZED for going to school to get a better job?!

Here’s another one, a guy i used to work with (32 years old, unemployed wife, 2 kids) compared our pay stubs at the end of the year in 2006.

His Check Read:
Net Pay-$30,xxx
Federal Income Tax-$1,xxx

My Check read:
Net Pay- $31,xxx
Federal Income Tax- $4,8xx

And what did the each of us get for our income tax return?

He Got- $7700

I Got-$1100

Why? He’s on welfare. He calls off so he doesnt make too much money to still qualify for government help.

^^^^how in the fuck is that right at all?!

So if someone can tell me why i should be super pumped that chicken bone lickin sand monkey was elected president, with promises to increase welfare benefits that i so OBVIOUSLY do not qualify for, i promise i will never make a stereotypically racial presidential joke for the next 4 years (or less).

Pictures of Sister

she’s all yours november 30th shaggy :bigthumb: haha

Pictures / Gayspace ?

haha no she doesn’t have a gayspace account to the best of my knowledge, i’ll research though just cuz i heart the shaggy haha

I’m half tempted to cut the cat off my car just because I live in Butler county and I can all the while flippin off those tree huggin Green Peace liberals!

BTW Obama wants to tax carbon emissions from power plants which will make our electricity costs go through the roof!

Hey, thats change… right?

Wow… there must be a lot of rich people in the top 5% on Pittspeed driving Civics and Camaro’s.

We aren’t going to be taxed directly but we will pay them through increased prices charged by the retailers…

Time to write more s h i t off.

How is that any different from the cost of goods and services going up 2-3x as much as it was under Clinton pre- 2001? Under Bush, the cost of everything has tripled, or at least it seems like it. It’s partly b/c of inflation, but also partly because of the war, and other corrupt behind the scenes oil war that is going on b/t the republicans and foreign nations.

Tax rebate is not that much for me… so I don’t care that much about it… maybe $700 bucks or so. I make 49k/yr, which isn’t really a lot these days, and I hardly buy anything, which includes next to NO groceries, and very rarely buy new clothes. Which is my selfish point of view.

Also, as a republican, you should not be looking for government hand-outs, and taxes are there to serve the public, to make living life better buy putting that money towards things we need as a nation.

The problem is that our tax money is often abused by the top 5% in government. So, maybe it’s time for payback, IMO.

I’m not totally against the republican conservative viewpoints, but the bottom line is I"m afraid of another 4+ years of Bush like tactics. I don’t think we can afford that, and that seemed like the way McCain was heading with his 90%+ agreements with Bush. I never liked Bush from the beginning, but liked his father as a President. I refused to call our current president, a president. So, I just call him BUSH.

And, NEWSFLASH, the war is not almost won like Palin seems to think. It will never end since we are screwing around with their religion, and they have been fighting since the beginning of time, it seems.

I’m also not for the war in Iraq, which the Republicans would have continued pumping trillions of dollars into the war, and it is never going to end. We are crippling our own country, but helping foreigners out with the high risk of ruining our own country. But, at the same time trying to inflict our catholic viewpoints on other religions… it’s not going to work, and the republicans don’t understand that.

Also, I’m almost laugh at savings… there is no such thing as a savings account for someone making the wage that I make. All of it goes to bills, and very little else. And, believe me, I don’t have many bills, or debts. And, I’m trying to improve myself through taking advantage of company paid grad. school. Which keep in mind, I could never afford out of pocket like Republicans think Money grows on trees, and you should never take out loans, or use Credit cards, even 0% credit cards. Republicans in government are just out of touch with the middle class, which is the blue collar working class of America.