Our 44th President, Barack Hussein Obama

Did anyone else feel a little Oppressed-Black-Guy-Finally-Gettin’-His vibe in his speech after he was elected?

President Obamas first act as president should be to ship all the mouth-breathing redneck jerk-offs up north back down to Alabama where they belong!




I’m kinda excited to see what his first move will be as president. Seriously, can’t be any worse than G.W.


Barack Hussein Obama


on a side note,much better threads about this with darkstar being :ban::beer:

Canada never looked so good

I doubt they would take you. And I am truly sorry for that :frowning:

Lots of celebrating around me last night! I woke up and it wasn’t a dream - YAY!!!

I can’t believe normal adults who hold a job and work for a living could have voted for a socialist retard like Obama. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

So can certian people of a certian race stop crying about being oppressed now? Or will they still want free hand outs?

:rofl: Really?


+1, I think it’s going to be hard for anyone to do as bad as W. did.

[ame=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P36x8rTb3jI”]YouTube - Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!![/ame]

Not only do they still want free handouts… now they think they will get them cause their “brother” is in power. Lets hope Obama doesn’t take from the rich and give to the poor. the damn poor need to earn it. People have this feeling if they deserve things. but the only way to get things is to go earn it! :steelers:
“Nib high Football Rules!!!”

Right! its more of a nightmare!!!


I don’t hate Obama. I hate some of his supporters and their views. It will be interesting to see what he does. I would laugh my ass off if he pulls a Bill Cosby and basically tells those people like the one posted in the video above that they are lazy and have to actually work to accomplish what he did. Then make everything that is “affirmitive action” related or similar, illegal.

Pewter was right, all of these threads are much more tolerable with out Darkstar. Haven’t seen Faggot or noob or any other derogatory statements since he was banned.

But I would love to see Obama pull a Bill Cosby.

How so? I mean look at some of the people he is affiliated with. His pastor Jeremiah Wright and his wife (read her thesis paper) are some of the biggest “pro-black” and anti-anybodywho isn’tpro-black people out there. I would speculate he shares some of the same views as them.

I’ll agree his wife is a ****ing idiot.

Kill kill kill the white man!

What the hell when did we get a language blocker on here?