Our 44th President, Barack Hussein Obama

F this all.

Cut military spending? :dunno:

seriously, what the **** is up with that?

**** ****ity **** **** ****

“i don’t have to worry about putting gas in my car, i don’t have to worry about my mortgage, i know since i took care of him he’s gonna take care of me” jesus ****ing christ, what ever happened to personal accountability? if all these degenerates really think he’s going to welfare them into the middle class they’ve got another thing coming (i hope). at least warren buffet is going to be his financial advisor because obama clearly doesn’t realize what group invests in the stock market and buys new cars. my boss told me that when he went to vote yesterday, some lady was there saying “yo i ain’t neva dun this befo, where i go vote fo obama” i also cannot believe college kids vote for obama knowing nothing about either candidate. i swear to god if jesse jackson ever EVER cries about racism in america again i will rip out his tongue. i’m hoping that the reason he cried last night was because he has nothing else to do with his life, oh well guess it’s time to retire. ronald regan, george bush, bill clinton, george bush, barack obama, changs fryri.

Were all screwed …

I am buying stock in KY cause we are all going to need it. Be gentle mr. God obama.

Stop with the propaganda already, he won, let’s see what he does, and your speculation is just your own personal opinion…

NO. He is going to go over the budget line by line, as he said.

guy has no experience… we just elected a Rookie QB to start in the Superbowl against the 76 Steelers defense!


How can people elect someone to “Commander in Chief” who hasn’t even looked at a military base?

I thought the people of this country were ****ed up when they elected Bush for his 2nd term, but this one takes the cake. This country was going downhill, but now that downhill slope just got a lot steeper. Obama will **** the country up more than McCain could ever dream of doing.

Archive this thread. so i can dig it up in 4 years and Fu cking Laugh at 77redneck

they always do :rofl:

I agree.

Yeah, because everyone knows that in 4 years, our economy will be booming, gas will cost $1 a gallon, everyone will have good paying jobs, people on welfare who are draining the economy will stop having illegitimate children, and health care will be free to anyone who wants it.

We saw what the so-called experience got us with BUSH.

and it would be different with mccain ?

Any president doesn’t control those folks. but can pass free health care.
you reached to much, trying too make a point and failed.

Free to the people who don’t pay taxes. But for those of us that do pay taxes, we won’t see any change, if anything, we will have less money in our pockets at the end of each month. Instead of it showing my portion of health insurance being taken out of my gross pay, it will just be in the taxes on my pay stub.

I think Obama should make Samuel L Jackson Secretary of State. Send him to the middle east, and the next day you may just wake up with a little middle eastern man in your driveway filling up your car, wiping down your windows, and then handing YOU a check for $147 after he is done filling up the vehicle…lol


you know about everyone in america pays taxes ???

from sales tax to income tax. including the priest that goes to 7/11 to get his pack of smokes and goes to beer distributor for the nuns. Tax exempt eh ?

there is no return on sales tax… income tax is what I am worried about. I am just going to put more into my roth 401K so there is less to tax.