Our 44th President, Barack Hussein Obama

Sales tax is nothing compared to income taxes. And do you realize how much they would have to raise sales taxes to fund universal healthcare?

im calling assassination in under 3 months… whos in?

when al sharpton jesse jackson gets on stage with him. will be under a year.

I love how people act like hes the only person that gets to make descisions and there isnt a team of advisors and a Congress and Senate there making decisions as well…

oh wait :hsugh:

You mean to tell me Gearge Bush isn’t the almighty ruler of all and he didn’t mess up this country all by himself like they make him out to be?

Too much stupidity in one thread to even consider commenting.

you just commented… and I bet you read every post in it… lol join our stupidity.


Ah, come on. It’s all over but the cryin’ (from the Republicans and racists). Might as well just sit back and see where it goes from here. That’s really all that any of us can do, regardless of party.

I love how the complaining doesn’t seem to cease, even after the final outcome has been set in stone. Can’t change anything about it now, might as well just relax. It was an election based on the lesser of two evils. As far as I’m concerned, neither McCain or Obama were fit to dig us out of the hole we’ve been placed in over the last 8 years. All the president is is a face for the American people to point their finger at when the sh!t hits the fan.

Im at the bottom of the chain as far as political knowledge. I just recently tried to inform myself on wtf is actually going on. After doing so and talking to my friends about who they voted for and why, I can honestly say some people shouldn’t even be allowed to vote. There should be a freakin test in order to register to vote. The sad part is that most of the info that you try to learn is a lie anyways.

I dont know what to expect, but my fingers are crossed being that thats our last hope now that the election is over.

What do you make of Russia waiting until today to bring up missile deployment issues and jamming missile defense systems? An early test?

Socialism is NOT what I want for this country…

The redistribution of wealth!!!
that may be ok if you are a scumbag pizza delivery guy with no education and a econobox car…
But for me having done 6 years in the military, being weeks away finishing up a degree, having a pilot’s license and Owning my own home at 25, with a car thats paid off……
Its obvious that I work hard and I work even harder for my money and don’t feel like giving it to the government to spend frivolously and inefficiently.

I’ll talk to you in 4 years and we’ll see whose right, Of course I hope I’m wrong and he does a good job!

Actually ****IT I’m going to switch sides! :hsdance:

Lord jesus obama please payz fo’ my gas and chicken!

I just got a fwd: text message… ATTN: URGENT… All white people report to nearest cotton field in the morning, orientation starts bright and early. LOLOLOL

Air Force One


on dubs

Time to quit my job, have 8 kids, and magically have more money than working my ass off.

amen! Just cuz he’s black doesnt mean he’s gonna save black ppl. Its why alot of black ppl voted. Its personal accountability ppl, save yourselves. Quit being lazy pieces of ****

[QUOTE=watacanga;735231 i also cannot believe college kids vote for obama knowing nothing about either candidate.[/QUOTE]

I think that would be due to G Ws kick a$$ job, and that being attached to the Republican party. IMHO

Obama’s “Robin Hood” approach of stealing from the successful and giving to the worthless will only wreck the economy.

This is reparations in disguise.

you are all ridiculous.