Our 44th President, Barack Hussein Obama

anyone find the humor in this statement… :rofl:

Agreed. :mrT: < Mr. T just wants to be friends.


Pizza delivery guy in econobox or office employee of the most losing team in professional baseball with a gbody? I’d say he has job security over you…and a newer car :slight_smile: What’s so funny about that?

If Arnold can do it, you can to. So please, continue your great job as catcher.

x2, ain’t that the truth. good thing 46 million people are braindead sluts. They could have avoided the whole situation if you had to show proof of employment before you could vote.

You are an idiot. Military or not, don’t be a dick.

I’m curious though, did the government pay for your schooling? And a pilots license?

considering the pirates have a contract to stay in the city for 30 years i’ll be ok till im retired with an MLB pension to boot.

i’m sure i could go out and pay cash for any econocrapcar that he bought new.

No, I’m just wondering why you find humor in blanyers situation? Alright so $15g’s cash. You must be over paid. He’s out dealin fine pies while you sit a at desk and play with match box cars. Did you go to school for that job? I just don’t understand why you’re such a narrow minded cock all the time. I’m glad you have the high road all figured out. Typical staunch republican attitude. Nothing can happen in the next 30 years. Just breeze on through buddy.

ya i can’t wait for this. you thought it was bad in LA when rodney king was beat? 10 days of rioting? this will be nationwide and it won’t stop until the military intervenes and even then i bet it’ll be whites against blacks. mark my words, if he’s assassinated, we’ll have a second civic war. even if it’s someone from another country, they’ll go crazy. white people start buying guns and teaching your kids to shoot!!!

Pay? You mean like as in where my wages went then, yes.

Did the government pay me for being in the Air Force? Yes, I’m not an idiot… I don’t work for free.

I never got handed a fistful of cash for not working, some of my school was paid for via scholarships…I’m a senior and a 4.0 gpa.

The point is hard work was rewarded, nobody handed me anything.

The pilots license was paid out of pocket, that sh’it wasn’t free… a lot of training and work went into paying for everything. So I know what you’re implying that the military paid 100% of school, not even close…$1300 a semester was to be received as part of my agreement for enlisting, tuition is over 10k a semester

I have read through alot of these posts and it astonishes me that everyone thinks that Obama will be the end of the United States. First realize who appointed him into the position of Presidency… Could it be the overwhelming number of people who voted for him? (No that can’t be it) Maybe it was the people tired of the current situation the U.S. is in? (Try again) Maybe it was for the pointless war we have in the middle east? (I must be crazy?) How about the fact the economy’s in horrible shape?

The fact is change will only come if we say it will, can anyone understand that?

Change is needed, but what kind of change? Socialism.

His statements about “the redistribution of wealth” sure sound like socialism to me.

The inefficiently of government spending is what concerns me the most, I hope the Obama will “trim the fat with a scalpel”, like he said. And not increase government programs turning America into a welfare country.

The truth be told:


I make a couple hundred dollars a day to drive around the suburbs while I’m in college.


The market didn’t exactly respond well. Dow and Nasdaq down 5%.

Predicted response:

Democrat: it’s not because of Obama being elected, the market does it’s own thing.
Republican: it’s because of Obama.

When the market was down before the election, the argument was reversed, just insert Bush instead of Obama.

That’s why I hate all of you. :slight_smile:

Isn’t that the truth. Typical political BS.

So if McCain went to a church that preached about how black people are what make this nation so bad and how us white people need to raise up against them and how great it is to be a white man…and his wife wasn’t until recently proud to be an American…and wrote papers about how hard it is to be around black people and always being judged… then you don’t think he would be judged for it. It would just be "propaganda?..speculation? Get the F_ _K out of here…quick being a nut rider and look at it for what it is.

Actually Starboy, i agree with a lot of what you say here. But with a few qualifications.
The most recent vote count was 53% Vs 46%, hardly “overwhelming”. Out of approx 169 million registered voters, 64 million voted for Obama.
Lot’s of people are tired of the situation the US is in, including the war(me included). One thing that i find disturbing is that several people who played a MAJOR role in the subprime fiasco, which is the major causee of the current financial mess, are getting a pass. Worse than that, they are still in positions of power and can easily cause more mayhem. Barney Frank and Chris Dodd should be removed form office for what they did, but that will never happen. Let’s not be selective in the finger pointing over the economy, there is nore than enough guilt to go around.

I have concerns about what an Obama administration will bring. I have my doubts about many of his promises, including cutting my taxes. I think he will pull a Clinton on me and raise them rather than cut them. But i hope i am wrong. I hope the Republican party, and all Americans, will give this guy a chance to do what he promised when it comes to solving the problems. The Republicans DO have a better track record of bipartisanship than do the Democrats in recent times(do any of you politcal n00bs remember 2001 power sharing?), so i am hoping that it actually happens. The ball is going to be in Obamas court. He needs to be the one to lead by example, to reach out to conservatives, and to reign in Pelosi and Reid. Can he be the great uniter that he promised to be? I don’t know, but i am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. If he is a success, then we should ALL benefit. If he blows it, then he will be gone after one term, provided the Republicans actually field a decent candidate(something that they have failed to do after Reagan)

overwhelming??? … nope

I did my part to try and stop this… All there is now is hope and pray that he can un**** this country all while not ****ing the citizens who live in it.

EDIT: stupid cock sucking ****ing asshole filter.

i dont understand why the same people jump on my **** all the time…you being one of them. i try to keep my mouth shut and let it die and the faggots gotta keep goin so i do the same.

how is that a staunch republican attitude? sounds like an idiot’s attitude?

idiots can be both democratic and republican!!!