Our baby boy, Dillon arrived :)

Hi everyone. It’s been a while but I wanted to update you on the birth of our baby boy. Dillon was born January 4th, 2010, at 4:50am, weighing 7lbs 11 oz and he was 21 inches long. I went into labor about 10am before the Steelers game, but wouldn’t let my husband take me to the hospital till after the game was over HAHA! He’s doing GREAT, we are still adjusting as this is our first baby, but we’ll get used to it! :slight_smile: He has a full head of blond hair and is the most precious thing I’ve ever laid eyes on. Here are some pics from the hospital and the last few weeks (he’s 2.5 weeks old now)









After the first bath I gave him at home his hair was all puffed out HAHAH and his expression just fit LMAO–cracks me up lol



congrats! Last picture dogs look very amused not being most important anymore and your husband looks like he hasnt slept a full night in about a month haha

Cute pics… Congrats! Are the dogs jealous now?

Thanks guys! :slight_smile: Yeah, I look like I haven’t slept since he’s been born either–hence the lack of pics of ME with the bebe LOL! :slight_smile: The dogs are actually doing really well with him, they want to smell him all the time and are being very gentle. I’m a proud proud Mama and I never thought that I could love someone THIS much. It’s amazing.


Very cool, congrats!

Congrats !

Awesome. Congrats!

The rest of the 90210 crew is unimpressed.


Congrats , he is gonna love xmas and his birthday being a week or so apart


Congrats! its a great time.


Congrats! May good health follow you.


Congrats, and don’t worry sleeping will return… just not anytime soon!

Our second was born 1/24/09 and although he’s too young to realize how close his birthday is to Christmas… we do! Only nice thing about it is anything he really wanted for Christmas but didn’t get usually follows a month later…

Congratulations! I like the crazy hair pic :smiley:




I was born jan 2nd and I always felt like I got screwed!