Out of Iraq by 2011

Agreed. Get out of Iraq ASAP and get back to hunting bin laden.

^Bin Laden was killed a while back according Benazir Bhutto and then she was killed after revealing that.:snky:

i find it funny that nobody gets what americans would do if somebody had taken over our country… we would have the same insurgency BS that they do over there… i can totally get them wanting us to GTFO

I’m honestly confused to why we are still there. What is there left to do. We have been there long enough. And now with them wanting us out, see ya, thanks…

What do we have to gain for being over there?
I’m NEVER going to go to Iraq for a vacation. And I’d rather see the money that is being spent on fixing Iraq spent on fixing the USA. I don’t see Iraq sending money, supplies, etc over to the USA to help us in our ailing situation.

This is almost not even worth responding to. You do realize that basically with every decision made in life there are people for and against said decision right? Ok so try to understand this…Form BEFORE we went to Iraq there would have been citizens saying they want us and some saying they do not. while we ARE IN Iraq there are going to be citizens saying the same. AFTER we leave this will still exist. Do I have to find an article of some Iraqi saying they are happy we are there and you will be like “i can totally get them wanting us to be there”? BTW Americans do the same shit daily we have dems and repubs that disagree on practically anything under the sun we just dont have the power struggle they do so we know killing the person you are arguing with wont just make you right or atleast be right by default.