War worst Mistake in History?

LOL…it’s just so funny how these fuggers fail to stick to the topic…

• White House spokesman says war was needed to oust Saddam Hussein
(Correct me if I am wrong but the war was to fight those who brought 911?)

Snow cannot think for himself…never agrees with media which blames white house for this entire fiasco in Iraq.


i just read that too.

and i was like wow.

Fucker just makes the white house looks good so his ass is not standing in the unemployment line

we are only builiding up more in Iraq so the we have the proper people, weapons etc in place for when we strike Iran in the next 2-3 months.


we are only builiding up more in Iraq so the we have the proper people, weapons etc in place for when we strike Iran in the next 2-3 months.


:meh: Its such a bad move.


:meh: Its such a bad move.


FYI: not saying im supporting it, im just saying whats REALLY going on over there and why were not out of there yet.

No i understand completely. Its hard to say it won’t happen cause god knows what they will try to do before Bush is out of office.

If there is an invasion of Iran get yourselves ready for the draft.


If there is an invasion of Iran get yourselves ready for the draft.


Good thing im exempt -:eekdance:

How are you exempt?

I will be ineligible in about 6 months, as then I’ll be 26.

There wont be a draft…lol…what are they going to do…throw all that refuse to go to a war that they don’t believe in to jail? Gimmie a break

Perhaps the need for a draft in the case of an invasion will prevent us from invading Iran.

All I’m saying is that if they do, our forces are spread too thin as it is just dicking around in Iraq to support another military operation on that scale.

If the U.S. would change their Foreign Policy and not favor certain nations, we would not have these issues. The draft…it wont happen. They have talked about this several times and they wont get the approval from congress.

I agree with you 100%.

All I’m saying is that an Iran invasion isnt going to happen without a draft.

I personally totally support the fact that they need more troops there.
How can you opperate effectively if you dont have enough manpower to provide that extra sniper watching your back… or a flanking unit in a bad situation… or a extra guard on station? You can operate that way but it puts the guys there at much more risk. Thats how people get killed.

Stupid fat ass politicians dont seem to understand that. You cant bring most of the guys home because the ones left will be in a potentially defenseless position. You have to bring EVERYONE home. Either send them the help they need to be safe and get things done or say fuck it and pull everyone out.

Leaving the guys there without the extra help they need is idiotic.


I personally totally support the fact that they need more troops there.
How can you opperate effectively if you dont have enough manpower to provide that extra sniper watching your back… or a flanking unit in a bad situation… or a extra guard on station? You can operate that way but it puts the guys there at much more risk. Thats how people get killed.

Stupid fat ass politicians dont seem to understand that. You can bring most of the guys home because the ones left will be in a potentially defenseless position. You have to bring EVERYONE home. Either send them the help they need to be safe and get things done or say fuck it and pull everyone out.

Leaving the guys there without the extra help they need is idiotic.




I agree with you 100%.

All I’m saying is that an Iran invasion isnt going to happen without a draft.


Iran invasion wont happen just like North Korea invasion didn’t happen. We are Balls deep in debt just with this war, can’t afford another.


I personally totally support the fact that they need more troops there.
How can you opperate effectively if you dont have enough manpower to provide that extra sniper watching your back… or a flanking unit in a bad situation… or a extra guard on station? You can operate that way but it puts the guys there at much more risk. Thats how people get killed.

Stupid fat ass politicians dont seem to understand that. You can bring most of the guys home because the ones left will be in a potentially defenseless position. You have to bring EVERYONE home. Either send them the help they need to be safe and get things done or say fuck it and pull everyone out.

Leaving the guys there without the extra help they need is idiotic.


I agree with you to a point but increasing troop levels will only bring more violence. More insergents and more of a Civil War than we have now. The ONLY reason U.S. wont pull out right now is because we have a EGO and dont want to look silly infront of the world.


Iran invasion wont happen just like North Korea invasion didn’t happen. We are Balls deep in debt just with this war, can’t afford another.


Its definitely not going to happen if things stay at status quo. If Iran becomes offensive towards Israel or openly so towards our troops in Iraq, its a very real possibility.

for starters we’re there to create stability for buying of oil in the region. second it’s Iran and saudi araba are the places where a lot of the trouble is coming from.
The US won’t invade Iran unless it’s absolutely necessary. That’s not a war we want. we’re not geared for that war in Iraq. we’re geared for a patrolling police presence .


I agree with you to a point but increasing troop levels will only bring more violence. More insergents and more of a Civil War than we have now. The ONLY reason U.S. wont pull out right now is because we have a EGO and dont want to look silly infront of the world.


that’s not the only reason. not by a long shot. there would be an entire vacuum of power there. The US is still completely in charge over there. these people don’t know how to think for themselves. It would become a literal terrorist breeding and training ground. Since there are no US soldiers to attack where are they going now? state side? maybe an embassy or 2 first.